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Jeopardy! Eastern Europe Class Struggle Revolution Wildcard Reaction

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Eastern Europe Class Struggle Revolution Wildcard Reaction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Eastern Europe Class Struggle Revolution Wildcard Reaction
Nationalism Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Eastern Europe
Autocracy was at the center of the Russian government during his reign following Alexander I.

3 $100 Answer from Eastern Europe
Nicholas I

4 $200 Question from Eastern Europe
He emancipated the serfs in Russia in 1861.

5 $200 Answer from Eastern Europe
Alexander II

6 $300 Question from Eastern Europe
These were the local assemblies founded in 1864 in Russia to handle issues such issues as education and health care.

7 $300 Answer from Eastern Europe

8 $400 Question from Eastern Europe
This composer left Warsaw after the Polish uprising of 1830.

9 $400 Answer from Eastern Europe

10 $500 Question from Eastern Europe
This group assassinated Alexander I.

11 $500 Answer from Eastern Europe
The People’s Will

12 $100 Question from Class Struggle
This ‘superpower’ continually resorted to revolution/government change through the 19th century to solve their problems.

13 $100 Answer from Class Struggle

14 $200 Question from Class Struggle
These were the collective farms set up for the peasant farmers in Russia after 1861.

15 $200 Answer from Class Struggle

16 $300 Question from Class Struggle
This British group made great demands of the government in Every demand was rejected.

17 $300 Answer from Class Struggle
the Chartists

18 $400 Question from Class Struggle
He set off a revolution in France in 1830 with his ‘July Ordinances.’

19 $400 Answer from Class Struggle
Charles X

20 $500 Question from Class Struggle
He lead the Hungarians in the Revolution of 1848.

21 $500 Answer from Class Struggle
Louis Kossuth

22 $100 Question from Reaction
This was the city where the ‘Big 4’ leaders met to restore order to Europe in 1814/15.

23 $100 Answer from Reaction Vienna

24 $200 Question from Reaction
Alexander I proposed this to keep peace and impose values throughout Europe. Britain, the Ottomans, and the pope did not sign.

25 $200 Answer from Reaction Holy Alliance

26 $300 Question from Reaction
This French monarch was restored to the throne after Napoleon’s defeat. He stayed in power through his death in 1824.

27 $300 Answer from Reaction Louis XVIII

28 $400 Question from Reaction
These were the three principles established at the Congress in 1815.

29 $400 Answer from Reaction Balance of Power; Legitimacy; Compensation

30 $500 Question from Reaction
Metternich checked the growth of liberalism with this document in 1819.

31 $500 Answer from Reaction Carlsbad Decrees

32 $100 Question from Revolution
He was elected president of France in 1848.

33 $100 Answer from Revolution
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

34 $200 Question from Revolution
He is considered the last king in France. He gained power in 1830 and lost it in 1848.

35 $200 Answer from Revolution
Louis Philippe

36 $300 Question from Revolution
This country was the first to follow France’s lead in 1830.

37 $300 Answer from Revolution

38 $400 Question from Revolution
This revolt/revolution took place in Eastern Europe in 1825 following the death of Alexander I.

39 $400 Answer from Revolution
Decembrist Revolution

40 $500 Question from Revolution
This country gained their independence following the decisive Battle of Navarino.

41 $500 Answer from Revolution

42 $100 Question from Nationalism
He is considered the leader of German unification/nationalism through the 1860s.

43 $100 Answer from Nationalism
Otto von Bismarck

44 $200 Question from Nationalism
He was the first leader of the Kingdom of Italy.

45 $200 Answer from Nationalism
Victor Emmanuel

46 $300 Question from Nationalism
Bismarck manufactures this war with Austria in 1866 to further his motives.

47 $300 Answer from Nationalism
The Seven Weeks’ War or Austro-Prussian War

48 $400 Question from Nationalism
He is considered “the Head” of Italy’s unification movement.

49 $400 Answer from Nationalism
Count Cavour

50 $500 Question from Nationalism
This was the economic union set up by the German states in 1834.

51 $500 Answer from Nationalism

52 $100 Question from Wildcard
This literary and artistic movement during the beginning of the 19th century emphasized feelings and emotion.

53 $100 Answer from Wildcard Romanticism

54 $200 Question from Wildcard
These two major European countries did not have revolutions in 1848.

55 $200 Answer from Wildcard Russia and Great Britain

56 $300 Question from Wildcard
Serfdom was finally abolished in this country as a result of the revolutions of 1848.

57 $300 Answer from Wildcard Austria

58 $400 Question from Wildcard
This was Bismarck’s struggle with the Catholic Church.

59 $400 Answer from Wildcard Kulturkampf

60 $500 Question from Wildcard
Name two provisions of the 1830 July Ordinances.

61 $500 Answer from Wildcard Restricted freedom of the press;
dissolved the legislature (Chamber of Deputies; changed the voting laws

62 Final Jeopardy Category
Nationalism in Italy

63 Final Jeopardy This state took the lead in Italian unification.

64 Final Jeopardy Answer Sardinia/Piedmont

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