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Decline of the Soviet Union

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1 Decline of the Soviet Union
28-1 Decline of the Soviet Union

2 1. Give a definition of the term détente as it related to American-Soviet relations in the 70’s
Relaxation of tensions and improved relations between the U.S. and Soviet Union

3 2. What caused a major setback in détente in 1979?
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan

4 3. State the agreement made by the INF treaty
The U.S. and Soviet Union would eliminate Intermediate-range nuclear missiles

5 4. What 1990 event was a powerful symbol of the end of the Cold War?
The reunification of Germany

6 5. Define the Brezhnev Doctrine of the 1970’s
Soviet Union can intervene if Communism is threatened

7 They had become corrupt
6. What happened to the Communist ruling class in the Soviet Union by the 1970’s They had become corrupt

8 7. What event signaled a new era in the Soviet Union in March of 1985
Gorbachev was chosen by party leaders as the new ruler

9 8. What were the two kinds of reform attempted by Gorbachev
Economic and political reform

10 The breakup of the Soviet Union would mean and end to their privileges
9. Why were the conservative leaders of the traditional Soviet institutions worried by Gorbachev’s reforms The breakup of the Soviet Union would mean and end to their privileges

11 Dissident A person who speaks out against the government

12 Perestroika Restructuring of the Soviet Economy

13 Brezhnev Foreign Policy- intervention in satellite countries
Economic Policy- heavy industry and collectivized farming Military Policy- invasion of Afghanistan Political Policy- Dissidents punished

14 Gorbachev FP- non- intervention EP- limited free-enterprise
MP- Nuclear arms treaty PP- New Soviet Parliament

15 Soviet Union Inefficiency Corruption Declining economy Alcoholism
High infant mortality

16 Former Soviet Republics
Economic Hardship Social disarray Organized crime Chechnya International Relations

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