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Beam Test Results on Deep NWell MAPS Matrix

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1 Beam Test Results on Deep NWell MAPS Matrix
S. Bettarini University & INFN, Pisa on behalf of the SLIM5 Collaboration and the SVT-SuperB group SuperB meeting – Orsay Feb. 2009

2 Outline Deep NWell Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor design concept
Caracterization of apsel4D Test-beam setup Alignment procedure /Track fit Results on DUT= MAPS : Efficiency vs. threshold Efficiency inside the pixel cell (Intrinsic) Resolution Improvements on the design of the cell Conclusions

3 Deep NWell MAPS design CMOS MAPS for future vertex detectors: thin (<50 um) but also need to be fast (background SuperB several MHz/cm2) New approach in MAPS design: hybrid-pixel-like structure to improve the readout speed: the APSEL chip series Full in-pixel signal processing chain exploiting triple well CMOS process Deep NWell as collecting electrode with most of the front-end overalapped in the pwell Can extend collecting electrode (charge preamp --> gain independent of sensor cap. ) Allow design with small “competitive” nwells for PMOS inside the pixel. Area kept to a minimum:, they steel signal to the main DNW electrode. Fill factor = DNW/total n-well area ~90% in current design PRE SHAPER DISC LATCH competitive nwell Deep nwell SLIM5 Collaboration - INFN & Italian University 50x50 mm2 pixel Pixel structure compatible with data sparsification architecture

4 Latest chips APSEL APSEL3 APSEL4D 90Sr electrons APSEL3T1 M2
Landau mV S/N=23 Cluster signal (mV) Noise events properly normalized APSEL3 Pixel cell optimization (50x50 mm2) Increase S/N (15-30) Power dissipation:30 mW/ch <Signal> for MIP (MPV) = 1000e- ENC ranging from 30 to 60 e- in the different front-end versions APSEL4D First MAPS matrix with in-pixel sparsification and timestamp info on hit. 4K pixel matrix with data driven readout architecture LV1 trigger system with tracks info based on Associative Memories Pixel cell & matrix implemented with full custom design and layout Perifery readout logic synthetized in std-cell from VHDL model APSEL4D sub 11/2007- rec 3/2008 32x128 4k pixel matrix for beam test

5 Periphery readout logic
APSEL4D: 4096 pixel matrix with data driven sparsified readout + timestamp Implemented architecture needs to minimize: In-pixel PMOS (competitive nwells) to preserve the collection efficiency. digital lines for point to point connections to allow scalability to large matrix and to reduce possible cross talk with the sensor underneath. 32x128 pix - 50 mm pitch perif & spars logic Matrix subdivided in MacroPixel (MP=4x4pixels) with point to point connection to the periphery readout logic Periphery readout logic: Register hit MP & store timestamp Enable MP readout Receive, sparsify, format data to output bus Data lines in common 2 MP private lines MP 4x4 pixels Periphery readout logic Column enable lines in common Data out bus Readout tests All readout functionality tested with a dummy matrix implemented on chip. The readout is working properly even with 100% occupancy. Three clocks are used: the BCO clock, used for the timestamp counter, a faster readout clock, and a slow control clock. Test performed with RDCLK up to 50 MHz

6 APSEL4D Lab. Results Noise and threshold from threshold scans
Offset distribution mV Threshold dispersion 8 mV Noise distribution mV Average Noise 10.5 mV Noise and threshold from threshold scans <Threshold dispersion> inside matrix: 8mV (57e-) <pixel noise>: 10.5 mV (ENC = 75e-) with 20% dispersion inside the matrix Gain Calibration (55Fe-5.9 keV peak) <Gain> = 890 mV/fC ± 6% Obtained by differentiating the integral spectrum since no analog info available. 55Fe 5.9 keV peak (all pixels in matrix) 1390 THRDAC = 230mV THR(DAC) Gain distribution (all pixels in matrix) mV/fC Gain = 890 mV/fC Spread = 6% Cross talk effects observed in APSEL4D, correlated with the readout activity, still under investigation. A new version of the chip submitted in Nov ‘08 with more diagnostic features and modifications to reduce some potential source of digital crosstalk. Effects reduced by lowering the digital voltage from 1.2 to 1 V (still able to operate the matrix and the readout).

7 SLIM5 Beam test SLIM5 Beam test 3-16 Sep. PS-CERN (12 GeV/c protons) Main goals: APSEL4D DNW MAPS matrix resolution & efficiency measurements Thin (200 mm) striplets module with FSSR2 readout chips First demostration of Level1 capability with silicon tracker information to Associative Memories

8 Experimental set-up Some numbers: Maps readout clock 20 MHz
APSEL4D chip 10 mm2 active area APSEL4D chip Some numbers: Maps readout clock 20 MHz DAQ rate 30 kHz 90 M events on disk (40 Gb)

9 Alignment procedure Select events with 1! candidate track.
Residual evaluated for every track passing through the detector’s active area. Residual is a function of: translation parameters Δx, Δy rotation angles around z (φ), y(ϑ), x(γ) axes: Resi = Resi (φ,ϑ,γ,Δx,Δy) i= detector index Alignment parameters extracted by minimizing the residuals. Iterate: re-position the detectors, re-evaluate the residuals until convergence. Alignment procedure validated on MC. After alignment, residuals for strip, MAPS detectors: ~1 μm (transl), 1/10 degree (rotation) Small systematic errors on data could be present: noise hits, uncertainty on z position of detectors… . Align detectors within few μm is fine for our purposes.


11 Pattern Recognition / Trk Fit
Used a very simple algorithm : start from combining SpacePoint (U hit + V hit) on L0, L3 (outer telescope dets) to generate a pseudo track. Add hits on the inner telescope detectors (L1, L2) if distance from pseudo track is within a fiducial road width, typically cm before alignment and 0.05 cm after alignment. Rejected events with number of hits per side greater than 5 on telescope detectors (to reduce combinatory). Track fit: Least Square Method to extract track parameters. Kalman Filter not used. Multiple scattering not accounted in track fit. Prob(χ2) is flat when assigning 10 μm error for SpacePoints (SP). The estimated error changes in different sets of runs with different alignment. The estimated uncertainty (due to fit) on track intercept on DUT is 5 μm (evaluated using track fit covariance matrix). As a rule of thumb we expect 10 μm/sqrt(#SP). Prob(χ2)>10%

12 Effect of the multiple scattering on DUT
Fit track Real track { Residual MC: σ=6μm

13 MAPS efficiency Number of tracks intersecting DUT
Number of clusters associated to tracks evaluated by the Residual plots: Res = SpacePointmeas- SpacePointtrk Fit: Gaussian(signal) + line(noise) Clusters associated to tracks = Gaussian’s area Efficiency = #clusters/#tracks

14 DNW MAPS Hit Efficiency vs threshold
½ MIP MAPS hit efficiency up to 90 % with 450 e- (~ 4s_noise + 2s_thr_disp) 300 (chip23) and 100 (chip22) mm thick chips give similar results Observed uniform efficiency across the area of the whole matrix. Still to understand discrepancy sim. vs data (+ 30%) observed in total cluster charge. The competitive Nwells in pixel cell steel charge, reducing the hit efficiency: Fill factor DNW area /total Nwell area ~ 90 % in present design

15 Chip 22: point@lowest threshold
read out sweep Efficiency varies vs: the matrix columns run time Hints of a readout problem. (min)

16 Efficiency inside the pixel cell
The residual on the extrapolated impact point of the track ~ 15 um. The 50 um cell is divided into 3x3 regions. Track uncertainty dilutes raw efficiency: Cross feed among cells unfolded. Efficiency in the pixel cell (data) correlated with layout. As expected: Highest efficiency in the region of collecting electrode Lower efficiency due to competitive nwells Real Track Fit Track Meas SP ΔU Competitive nwells Efficiency inside pixel cell (cross-feed unfolded) DNW sensor mm

17 Mij is evaluated by a toy MC (input:residual).

18 MAPS Resolution From the width of residual plot extract intrisic resolution according to: Results consistent with 50 mm pitch with digital readout (50/sqrt(12) = 14.4 mm) MAPS Intrinsic Resolution vs Threshold Y res < X res: correlation with efficiency inside the cell. Run 2374 chip 21 thr 1900 dac = 590 e- x Coordinate y Coordinate Low stat. runs

19 Cell Design Improvements
Room for efficiency improvements with a different design of the sensor (multiple collecting electrodes around competitive nwells) Fast device simulation developed for cell optimization ionization, charge diffusion, front-end response included good agreement simulation vs efficiency data Already submitted chip apsel5T: 2 design options 40x40 um pitch No-shaper routing possible for a matrix 128x128 pixels

20 Conclusions A first MAPS matrix with in-pixel sparsification and timestamp information for hits fully characterized and tested with beams with very encouraging results: Threshold dispersion across matrix ~ 60 e- Pixel Noise ENC = 75 e- Hit efficiency up to 92% (sensor design not optimized yet!) with good uniformity across the matrix. Intrisinc resolution ~ 14 mm compatible with 50 mm pitch and digital readout. Already submitted a new chip with improved cell design. Ready to be tested with beam next summer.

21 SLIM5-Silicon detectors with Low Interactions with Material
G. Batignani1,2, S. Bettarini1,2, F. Bosi1,2, G. Calderini1,2,, R. Cenci1,2, A. Cervelli1,2, F. Crescioli1,2, M. Dell’Orso1,2, F. Forti1,2, P.Giannetti1,2 , M. A. Giorgi1,2, A. Lusiani2,3, G. Marchiori1,2, M. Massa1,2, F. Morsani1,2, N. Neri1,2, E. Paoloni1,2, M. Piendibene1,2, G. Rizzo1,2 , L.Sartori1,2, J. Walsh2 C. Andreoli4,5, E. Pozzati4,5,L. Ratti4,5, V. Speziali4,5, M. Manghisoni5,6, V. Re5,6, G. Traversi5,6, L.Gaioni4,5 M. Bomben7, L. Bosisio7, P. Cristaudo7, G. Giacomini7, L. Lanceri7, I. Rachevskaia7, L. Vitale7, M. Bruschi8, R. Di Sipio8, B. Giacobbe8,A. Gabrielli8, F.Giorgi8, C. Sbarra8, N. Semprini8, R. Spighi8, S. Valentinetti8, M. Villa8, A. Zoccoli8, D. Gamba9, G. Giraudo9, P. Mereu9, G.F. Dalla Betta10 , G. Soncini10 , G. Fontana10 , L. Pancheri10 , G. Verzellesi11 1Università degli Studi di Pisa, 2INFN Pisa, 3Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 4Università degli Studi di Pavia, 5INFN Pavia, 6Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 7INFN Trieste and Università degli Studi di Trieste 8INFN Bologna and Università degli Studi di Bologna 9INFN Torino and Università degli Studi di Torino 10Università degli Studi di Trento and INFN Padova 11Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia and INFN Padova

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