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Bell Ringer 2 – February 4, 2014 Which Roman leader was assassinated in 44 BC? Who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire? What was the Pax Romana?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 2 – February 4, 2014 Which Roman leader was assassinated in 44 BC? Who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire? What was the Pax Romana?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 2 – February 4, 2014 Which Roman leader was assassinated in 44 BC? Who became the first emperor of the Roman Empire? What was the Pax Romana?

2 Agenda Bell Ringer BrainPOP – Pax Romana Roman Accomplishments
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3 Roman Accomplishments

4 The Arch To make structures strong and long-lasting, the Romans would use arches. Because of its rounded shape, an arch can support much more weight than other shapes can. This strength has allowed many arched Roman bridges to last until the present.

5 The Latin word for water is aqua
The Latin word for water is aqua. Aqueducts were man-made structures that carried water into cities. Sometimes the water traveled underground and sometimes the water was carried in aboveground aqueduct bridges.

6 Aqueducts

7 Latin – the language of the Romans
Latin also influenced many English words.

8 Romance Languages Languages that developed from Latin. Examples include Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. Language is one of the lasting contributions of the ancient Romans.

9 Romance Languages – Languages that developed from Latin

10 Roman Roads The Romans are famous for building great roads all over their empire. Some of the roads were built so well that they are still around today, 2,000 years later! The roads were built to make it easy for the army to travel quickly, but were also used by traders, messengers, and other travelers.

11 All Roads Lead to Rome The Latin word for “road” is via. “Roads” (plural) is viae. Rome was the heart of the empire. Each time a new city was conquered, a road was built from that city back to Rome. They built about 55,000 miles of roads.

12 Roman Roads The roads were built by and for the armies. The main purpose of the road was to allow Rome’s armies to travel easily throughout the empire. Roman roads were built to last. They were constructed of layers of sand, concrete, rock, and stone.

13 Roman Roads Romans built tall mile markers along their roads to mark distances. Just like modern road signs, the markers told the travelers how far it was to the next town.

14 Roman Colosseum



17 Roman Religion Many Romans worshipped the same gods of Greece. When the Romans conquered Greece, they learned about Greek mythology. Before long, the Greek gods became the main gods of Rome as well, although they were known by different names.

18 Roman Gods and the Planets
Astronomy is a very old science, thus when planets are discovered, they are named after Roman gods.

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