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New Fruit From An Old Root

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1 New Fruit From An Old Root
Job 14:7-9

2 “There is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth, and its stump may die in the ground, yet at the scent of water it will bud and bring forth branches like a plant.”

3 1. Old Roots

4 The earth operates on seasons of cycles. Genesis 8:22
As long as the world stands there will be seed-time and harvest. This is the cycle of something old; something new.

5 1. Everyone needs a good root system.
It’s our roots which help us live a productive life. Roots are our long-term covenant relationships. This is what makes family so important.

6 This is why everyone needs a home church

7 Covenant relationships form our root system.
They provide stability in life. Without them we can’t live a productive life. We seldom see our roots because they’re hidden beneath the ground.

8 It is said the roots of the palm tree are as deep as the tree is tall

9 2. We need deep roots. Shallow roots are easily effected by the changing weather. We need deep roots for the dry times in life. We need deep roots for the storms of life.

10 Don’t discard relationships like an old worn tire

11 2. New Branches

12 1. We need new fruit. It’s not enough to have a good root system. Roots don’t produce fruit. Branches produce fruit. Roots feed the branches. Branches provide opportunities for growth.

13 Fruit is always new

14 2. Fruit grows from new growth and keeps us from dying.
It keeps our minds learning. We don’t have to die before our time. Many people aren’t developing anything new.

15 One man said, “The older I get the more I like it like it was!”

16 It’s where the plant has been pruned that the new growth occurs

17 The older I live the harder it is to stay alive.
Churches are like that. We must intentionally be looking for new opportunities. Without renewed vision and hope we will die.

18 3. Fresh Rain

19 1. It will rain again. The rain is a picture of the Holy Spirit moving in our lives. The rain occurs where heaven kisses earth. The moisture causes new life to grow.

20 At the scent of water the plant will bud

21 2. We must anticipate the rain.
At the first scent of rain we need to respond. Don’t wait until it begins raining to act. Good leaders anticipate what God is going to do.

22 The old root in the ground has seen rain before and knows what is happening.
The new sprout may not look or act like the old but it knows the old feeds it and gives honor to it. Wisdom wasn’t born yesterday.

23 Before we take down the fence find out why they put it up

24 It’s beginning to rain. God wants to give us a new season of growth!

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