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Brussels Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Brussels Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brussels 14-05-2013 Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. Ph.D.
BenchCan launch Brussels Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. Ph.D.

2 Benchcan Launch Objective Workpackages and WP leaders
Collaborating partners Planning Stakeholders

3 Benchcan Launch Objective Workpackages and WP leaders
Collaborating partners Planning Stakeholders

4 BenchCanObjective Benchmarking Comprehensive & Interdisciplinary Cancer Care Yielding examples of Best practices Definition of “Comprehensive” - in Comprehensive Cancer Center (NCI & OECI) - comprehensive cancer care (as in OECI accreditation)

5 “Comprehensiveness” Organisational and technical complexity of cancer care increases. Integration of research and care (translation from bench to bedside) Difference between Cancer center and deprtment/unit/tumor service Geographic differences

6 Benchcan WorkPackages
WP1 Coordination; Health Cluster Net (UK) Jonathan Watson WP2 Dissemination; Allianza Contro Cancro (IT) Dr Franzesca D’Allessandro……… WP3 Evaluation; OECI (EU),Claudio Lombardo WP4 Benchmark Tool Development, NKI (Amsterdam), Prof Van Harten & Anke Wind

7 Benchcan WorkPackages
WP5 Coordination of benchmark piloting NIO/Budapest DR Jozsef Lovey WP6 Budget Impact Analysis PANAXEA/Twente (NL) Prof IJzerman & Van Dijk WP7 Benchmarking Manual IGR-Paris (FR) Dr Saghatchian

8 BenchCan Collaborating Partners
European Patients Coalition Chair Hudson Pilot sites: Heidelberg - Von Kalle; Inst Catalan d’Oncol/Barc. - Calle; Inst of Oncol Vilnius - Jarnulionis; Inst Tumori Giovanni Paolo Bari - Paradiso; Greater Poland Cancer Center Poznan - Czerniewicz; Helsinki Univ. - Joensuu; Kings Health London - Sullivan; Charite Berlin - Schlag; Inst de Oncol. Port. Porto - Pontes; NIO Budapest - Lovey; Aghii Anargiri Athens - Samandas

9 BenchCan Planning Biannual Core group meetings
OECI evaluation work plan M3 Framework for BIA M6 Draft Benchmark tool (1 and 2!!) M14 Pilot on site M17; Final tool M34 Draft structure Manual M19; online M34 Improvement action plans M34

10 BenchCan Stakeholders
European Agency of healthcare and Consumers Professional organisations (ESMO, ESO ECCO) OECI membership and European Hospitals AACI …….

11 BenchCan Launch (1) Agenda meeting:
Welcome (Guy Dargent, Executive Agency for Health and Consumers and Prof Wim H van Harten, OECI) Introduction to the Bench-Can project - EU & regional relevance - Policy implications (Prof Wim H van Harten & Germana Gianquinto - OECI) Review of Bench-Can core work packages - Methods & key milestones (NKI-AVL, NIO, PANAXEA, IGR) Benchmark development Wim van Harten – NKI Benchmark piloting Jozsef Lovey - NIO Budget impact analysis Maarten IJzerman – PANAXEA Benchmarking manual Fréderique Thonon - IGR

12 BenchCan Launch (2) Agenda continued: Review of project management issues (HCN, ACC, OECI) Coordination (timetable – key deliverables) Monitoring & Evaluation (used approaches) Communications & Dissemination (methods & means) Working with the Advisory group and the pilot regions (members & the 1st meeting) Questions & Answers - Summary of agreements & action points - Timing of the next meetings 1100 Close of the CG meeting

13 International benchmarking of specialty hospitals
International benchmarking of specialty hospitals. A series of case studies on comprehensive cancer centres Wineke AM van Lent, Relinde D de Beer and Wim H van Harten BMC Health Services Research 2010, 10:253

14 Objectives Benchmarking is one of the methods used in business that is applied to hospitals to improve the management of their operations International comparison between hospitals can explain performance differences Trend towards specialization of hospitals Objectives: Examines the benchmarking process Identify success factors of benchmarking in international specialized cancer centres

15 Methods Three independent international benchmarking studies on operations management in cancer centres Comprehensive cancer centres (CCC) Chemotherapy day units (CDU) Radiotherapy departments were included in the final study. Per multiple case study a research protocol was used to structure the benchmarking process. After reviewing the multiple case studies, the resulting description was used to study the research objectives

16 Benchmarking Multiple case study 1 Multiple case study 2
Operations management in Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCC) Operations management in Chemotherapy day units (CDU) Operations management in Radiotherapy departments (RT) Total organization Unit level Department level Comprehensive cancer centres Part of comprehensive cancer centres Only medication related treatments Size: minimum of three linear accelerators 1 with perceived high efficiency, 1 with >50beds Strategy Patient case mix 3 European partners 3; 2 from Europe, 1 USA 4 European partners

17 BenchCan Launch Benchmark activity Spendolini Case 1: CCC Case 2: CDU
Case 3: Radiotherapy Determine what to benchmark Form a benchmarking team Choose benchmarking partners Define and verify the main characteristics of the partners Identify stakeholders Construct a framework to structure the indicators Develop relevant and comparable indicators Stakeholders select indicators Measure the set of performance indicators Analyse performance differences Take action: results were presented in a report and recommendations were given Develop improvement plans Implement the improvement plans Evaluation of the implementation + - + = used in benchmarking case study - = not used in benchmarking case study


19 BechCan Launch Success factors for international benchmarking on operations management Step in Figure 1 Internal stakeholders should be convinced that others might have developed solutions for problems that can be translated to their own setting. Step 1 Management must reserve sufficient resources for the total benchmark Limit the scope to a well-defined problem Define criteria to verify the comparability of the benchmarking partners on subject & process Step 4 Construct a format that enables a structured comparison. Step 6 Use both quantitative and qualitative data for measurement Step 7 Involve stakeholders to obtain consensus about the indicators, to provide information on data availability and reliability, and to assist in data collection. Step 5,6,7,8,9 Keep indicators simple so that time can be spent on the analysis of the underlying processes Step 7,8,9,10 For those indicators showing a large annual variation in outcomes, measurement over a number of years should be considered. Step 7,9,10 Adapt identified working methods, so that they comply with other practices in organization. Step 11

20 BenchCan Brussels 14-05-2013 Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. Ph.D.
Thanks to: Jonathan Watson, Claudio Lombardo, Joseph Lovey, Maarten IJzerman, Mahasti Saghatchian, and many others..

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