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Who WANTS TO BE A Millionaire?

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Presentation on theme: "Who WANTS TO BE A Millionaire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who WANTS TO BE A Millionaire?

2 Переведите пословицу “EAST OR WEST HOME IS BEST”
Друзья познаются в беде Мой дом – моя крепость В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается

3 В какой из этих стран английский язык не является официальным?
Канада США Великобритания Испания

4 What do English people usually have for Christmas dinner?
Turkey Meat Fish and Potatoes Fruit and vegetables

5 What are the traditional Christmas colours?
Blue and White White and Green Green and Red Blue and Red

6 What is it? Trafalgar Square Big Ben Tower Bridge Buckingham Palace

7 Complete the sentence “How many people … in Russia?”
Are there Is there Is Is it


9 Now let us sing a song!!!! God Bless the Moon
I see the Moon and the Moon sees me The Moon sees the somebody I like to see God bless the Moon and God bless me God bless the somebody I like to see

10 Choose the correct form: “Grandma usually … TV in the evening.”
Watch Watches Is watching Watchs

11 This is called “London …” What is it called?
Eye Ear Head Mouth

12 He is the author of a famous fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”
He is the author of a famous fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland”. Who is he? Rudyard Kipling Mark Twain Lewis Carroll A. A. Milne

13 In this group of words there is an “odd-one-out” Find this word
Meat Fish Tea Potatoes

14 What is the English for «папины дочки»?
Fathers’ daughters Father’s daughters Father’s daughter Fathers’ daughter

15 What city is it? Moscow New York London Liverpool

16 In this group of words there is an “odd-one-out” Find this word
Lion Tiger Cat Mouse

17 “The Beatles” are a famous …
Band Family City Group of friends

18 What is the name of Harry’s friend from the book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone”?
Professor Snape Ron Weasley Professor Dumbledore Draco Malfoy

19 Form the Past Simple from the verbs “go, buy, put”
Want, buy, put Went, buy, pought Went, bought, pought Went, bought, put

20 Which of these characters was not created by Walt Disney?
Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Bugs Bunny Pluto

21 -Do you go to school? -No, I …
Am not Is not Do not Did not

22 Now let us sing a song!!!! Humpty-Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the King’s horses and all the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again


24 Choose the correct explanation of the word “SHOP”
Flat House Home Store

25 What holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February?
St. Valentine’s Day Christmas New Year Mother’s Day

26 What is it? Stonehenge Loch Ness Hadrian’s Wall Lake District

27 What football team is not from Great Britain?
Arsenal Manchester United Grasshopper Celtic

28 -… is your brother? - He is at school.
Who Where What How

29 What is his name? Alex Sid Melmon Martin

30 … is the head of Great Britain
A. Henry VIII B. Elizabeth II C. Prince Charles D. Elizabeth I

31 You can visit famous Loch Ness in…
Scotland America England Canada

32 This cartoon’s called “DUCK …”
Stories Histories Films Tales

33 Nemo had a… Father Niece Sister Nephew

34 What colour are the taxis in London?
Yellow Red Black Blue

35 What is his name? Charlie Chaplin Sherlock Holmes David Beckham
Oscar Wilde

36 Now let us sing a song!!!! She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountains
When she comes She’ll be driving 6 white horses We’ll be shouting Hallilujah Singing I-I-Yuppy, I-I-Yuppy I-I-Yuppy-Yuppy-I


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