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Early Empires in the Ancient Near East

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1 Early Empires in the Ancient Near East
Chapter 3 Lesson 1: Akkad and Babylon Lesson 2: Egypt and Kush Lesson 3: Assyria and Persia

2 Akkadian Empire Just North of the Sumerian City-States

3 Sumerian City-States were independent political units located close to each other (not unified like countries or states today) Review

4 Sargon First Empire in the World!
Conquered the Sumerian City-States to form the first Empire.

5 Empire Large political unit that is usually under one single ruler that controls multi-ethnic and/or multi-national territories Much of this year will revolve around the rise and fall of empires and the men who create as well as destroy them

6 The Fall 2150BCE - Neighbors began to invade and the empire fell!

7 BABYLONIAN EMPIRE Hammurabi: king of the Babylonians 1792BCE
Mesopotamians returned to City-States but began to fight amongst themselves.


Presently at the louvre Museum, Paris “EYE FOR EYE, A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.” is a stone or wooden slab, generally taller than it is wide, erected as a monument

10 HAMMURABI’S CODE BASED ON STRICT LAWS AND SEVERE PENALTIES SOCIAL CLASSES WERE PUNISHED UNEQUALLY Commoner offence against commoner = less punishment than a commoner offense against a noble!!

11 HAMMURABI’S CODE Largest category of Laws: Marriage and the family (respect) Covered all areas of society… If government officials held accountable to the victim. If they failed to find a murderer then they paid the family!

12 PATRIARCHY Men dominated society --- woman have fewer rights women could not divorce husband ---- husbands could, if wife fails in her duties --- drowned if wife neglected home!!


14 Early Empires in the Ancient Near East
Chapter 3 Lesson 1: Akkad and Babylon Lesson 2: Egypt and Kush Lesson 3: Assyria and Persia

15 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
Hyksos – invades Egypt 1650BCE Horse drawn chariots vs Egyptian donkey carts Egyptians learn from the Hyksos Middle Kingdom ended around 1650BCE with the invasion of the HYKSOS from western Asia Ruled Egypt for almost 100 years driven out by Egyptians

16 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
SKILLS LEARNED Use bronze in tools and weapons Use of horse drawn chariots + military skills Chariot - 2-wheeled horse drawn cart

17 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
Hyksos driven out by Ahmose I Reunited Egypt Established a New Kingdom Developed a professional army CREATED AN EMPIRE

18 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
Amenhotep III Ruled the largest amount of territory Built great temples, buildings, statues and trade centers Amenhotep III – King Tut’s grandfather

19 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaten Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaton the “heretic” Pharaoh (King Tut’s father) wanted Egyptians to worship only one god: Aten Met resistance …the people did not agree, and when he died Tutankhamen restored to polytheism

20 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
Tutankhamen Tutankhamen - King Tut's Tomb lay undisturbed for roughly 3,300 years until English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered it Nov. 1, Carter and his team happened upon it

21 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
Hatshepsut Hatshepsut – “Foremost of Noble Ladies” She is generally regarded by Egyptologists as one of the most successful pharaohs (was originally regent to her stepson) Sometimes would wear a fake beard had ppl refer to her as “His Majesty” often wore a fake beard and had ppl refer to her as "His Majesty"

22 Egypt: The New Kingdom (1550BCE-1070BCE)
Sea Peoples invade Egypt after Ramses II died and Egypt was weakened Ruled

23 Alexander the Great-The Roman Empire and Cleopatra
Egypt was controlled by various groups until the 4th Century BCE 332BCE Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt Following his death (323BCE)and the breakup of Alexanders Empire the next Empire to take Egypt would be Rome. Julius Caesar and the last active Pharaoh Cleopatra VII Ruled

24 Kingdom of kush (250BCE-150ce)
NUBIA Trade w/Egypt for many years Goods: ivory, ebony, wood, leopard skins Nubia is South of Egypt

25 Kingdom of kush (250BCE-150ce)
Broke away when New Kingdom collapsed (c.1000 BCE) Established new Kingdom called KUSH

26 Kingdom of kush (250BCE-150ce)
Kush conquered Egypt Assyrians drove out the Kushites in 663BCE The Kushites, still using bronze and stone weapons, were no match for the Assyrians, using iron weapons and were driven out in 663BCE Kushites retreated to their original homeland and went into decline in 150AD

27 Early Empires in the Ancient Near East
Chapter 3 Lesson 1: Akkad and Babylon Lesson 2: Egypt and Kush Lesson 3: Assyria and Persia


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