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Peer-to-peer Internet telephony using SIP

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1 Peer-to-peer Internet telephony using SIP
by Kundan Singh and Henning Schulzrinne Computer Science Department, Columbia University, New York July 26, 2006

2 Why P2P-SIP? What is our P2P-SIP?
Server-based Maintenance and configuration cost: dedicated administrator Central point of failures: catastrophic failures Depends on controlled infrastructure (e.g., DNS) Peer-to-peer Self adjusting, robust against catastrophic failures, highly scalable, and no configurations Call setup and user search latency is higher: O(log(N)) Security: how to handle malicious peers? Identity protection? Our P2P-SIP Hybrid architecture: works with both P2P and server-based Built-in P2P network: acts as a service node for proxy, registrar, presence, offline storage, and media relay External P2P network: managed and trusted peer nodes Identity protection: identifier == SIP identifier

3 How to combine SIP + P2P? P2P-over-SIP SIP-using-P2P
Additionally, implement P2P using SIP messaging SIP-using-P2P Replace SIP location service by a P2P protocol SIP-using-P2P P2P SIP proxies P2P-over-SIP Maintenance P2P SIP Lookup SIP-using-P2P: Reuse optimized and well-defined external P2P network Define P2P location service interface to be used in SIP Extends to other signaling protocols (H.323) Don’t overload SIP or REGISTER Lookup is separate from call signaling P2P-over-SIP No change in semantics of SIP No dependence on external P2P network Reuse existing features such as forking (for voice mail) Built-in NAT/media relays. Additional message overhead due to SIP. P2P network REGISTER FIND INVITE alice P2P-SIP overlay INSERT Alice INVITE Alice

4 SIP-using-P2P Logical Operations
Contact management put (user id, signed contact) Key storage User certificates and private configurations Presence put (subscribee id, signed encrypted subscriber id) Composition needs service model Offline message put (recipient, signed encrypted message) NAT and firewall traversal STUN and TURN server discovery needs service model P2P-SIP design consists of many logical operations. The contact management deals with storing and retrieving user contacts as in SIP location service. The contacts are signed by the user on put and verified on get before making a call. Key storage deals with storing the certificate and encrypted private key of the user. The caller uses this certificate to verify. Presence deals with the subscribers updating the watcher list of the given subscribee such that only he can read the identifiers of the subscribers. Similarly, offline message deals with putting the signed and encrypted messages for the recipient such that only he can read and delete it. For NAT and firewall traversal, it provides P2P service discovery of a STUN or TURN server. XML-based data format

5 SIP-using-P2P Using an External P2P network (distributed hash table - DHT)
Data model Treat DHT as database Service model Join DHT to provide service [5] bob bob [3] [1] [2] [1] [3] DHT DHT Service node ( ) There are two approaches to do the P2P-SIP operations. In the data model, the DHT is treated as a database with put, get, remove API, and performs all operations using this. In the service model, the every P2P-SIP node joins the DHT as a service node and serves as registrar, proxy, presence agent and STUN/TURN server for other nodes. It uses lookup, join and leave API. It is possible to layer them on one another: data model on top of service model is straight forward. Additionally OpenDHT shows that service model on top of data model is also possible using the ReDiR interface. [4] [2] [5] alice alice [1] join( ) [2] lookup(H(bob)) gives [3] REGISTER sip:bob to [4] lookup(H(bob)) gives [5] INVITE sip:bob to [1] put(k, ), k is H(bob) [2] get(k) gives [3] INVITE sip:bob to

6 SIP-using-P2P Implementation in SIPc with the help of Xiaotao Wu
OpenDHT Trusted nodes Robust Fast enough (<1s) Identity protection Certificate-based SIP id == P2P for Calls, IM, presence, offline message, STUN server discovery and name search P2P clients better than proxies: Less DHT calls OpenDHT quota per client limits put by proxies We have implemented P2P-SIP in our multimedia collaboration client, sipc, using OpenDHT running on Planetlab with about 200 nodes. The advantage of using an externally managed DHT is that we can trust to some extent that the nodes are not malicious and perform the DHT operations (get/put) correctly. Thus the security problem is mostly avoided. The identity protection is provided using a well known CA such as ours which gives out the certificate to the user for her address, so that the user can securely use her address as the SIP identifier in P2P-SIP. The implementation includes the P2P modes for calls, IM, presence, offline message storage, STUN server discovery and name search (find the user identifier for “Firstname Lastname”) OpenDHT is robust and fast enough for our needs. Lookups on an average take less than a second. We implemented redundancy and failover so that if one OpenDHT node is unavailable it uses another randomly choosen closer node.

7 P2P-over-SIP Architecture and implementation
DHT (Chord) algorithm using SIP messages with query and update semantics of REGISTER Has SIP registrar, proxy, user agent Other: discovery, NAT traversal, failover Adaptor: allows existing SIP devices to become P2P

8 P2P-over-SIP Node architecture: registrar, proxy, user agent
User interface (buddy list, etc.) Signup, Find buddies IM, call On reset Signout, transfer On startup User location Leave Find Discover Join Audio devices DHT (Chord) REGISTER, INVITE, MESSAGE Codecs Peer found/ Detect NAT Multicast REGISTER REGISTER ICE SIP RTP/RTCP SIP-over-P2P P2P-using-SIP DHT communication using SIP REGISTER Known node: Unknown node: User:

9 Design alternatives Use DHT in server farm
1 8 14 21 32 38 58 47 10 24 30 54 42 65a1fc d13da3 d4213f d462ba d467c4 d471f1 d46a1c Route(d46a1c) servers 1 54 10 38 24 30 Hierarchy Dynamically adapt clients Use DHT in server farm Use DHT for all clients; But some are resource limited Use DHT among super-nodes

10 Deployment scenarios Interoperate among these! P2P proxies P2P clients
Different scenarios have different trust models! P2P proxies P2P clients Plug and play; May use adaptors; Untrusted peers; Super-nodes Zero-conf server farm; Trusted servers and user identities Interoperate among these!

11 SIP-using-P2P vs P2P-over-SIP
Not SIP-specific, hence no implementation overhead for non-VoIP but P2P applications Low transport and transaction overhead No P2P security burden on SIP No dependency on single DHT implementation Reuse SIP naming, routing, security, NAT/firewall traversal Easily reuse existing SIP components without change voic , conference Single DHT implementation Readily supports service model

12 Server-based vs peer-to-peer
Reliability, failover latency DNS-based. Depends on client retry timeout, DB replication latency, registration refresh interval DHT self organization and periodic registration refresh. Depends on client timeout, registration refresh interval. Scalability, number of users Depends on number of servers in the two stages. Depends on refresh rate, join/leave rate, uptime Call setup latency One or two steps. O(log(N)) steps. Security TLS, digest authentication, S/MIME Additionally needs a reputation system, working around spy nodes Maintenance, configuration Administrator: DNS, database, middle-box Automatic: one time bootstrap node addresses PSTN interoperability Gateways, TRIP, ENUM Interact with server-based infrastructure or co-locate peer node with the gateway

13 IETF activities Concepts and terminologies Questions?
Client vs peer protocol Enrollment vs insertion Questions? What gets standardized? Are topologies with NAT within scope?

14 More at …

15 Backup slides

16 What is P2P-SIP? Unlike proprietary Skype architecture
Robust and efficient lookup using DHT Interoperability DHT algorithm uses SIP communication Hybrid architecture Lookup in SIP+P2P Inter-domain P2P-SIP Unlike file-sharing applications Data storage, caching, delay, reliability Data model and service model Disadvantages Lookup delay and security Problems with skype: proprietary architecture, single service, centralized component. Zipf: straight line on double log axes.

17 Comparison: Server-based, structured and unstructured P2P
Architecture Server-based (two-stage) Structure P2P (Chord/log(N)) Unstructured P2P (blind search) Reliability (or user record availability) (1-(1-R)P) Upper bound No guarantee Performance (delay) Low Log(N) No guarantee; Implementation dependent Scalability (number of users) Linear with number of servers Exponential with per node capacity If constant degree, then no limit

18 P2P vs server-based server-based P2P scaling server count 
scales with user count, but limited by supernode count efficiency most efficient DHT maintenance = O((log N)2), lookup = O(logN) security trust server provider; binary trust most supernodes; probabilistic reliability server redundancy; catastrophic failure possible unreliable supernodes; catastrophic failure unlikely

19 Structured vs. unstructured P2P-SIP
Unstructured P2P alone is not good No guarantee (upper bound) in lookup Fall back to server; has central dependency Caching is not much useful as contacts change often; caching good for non-mutable data (e.g., certificates) because replication and caching of mutable data don’t go together well. Skype works: Few super nodes are too burdened Node:supernode ~ 400:1 Probably some kind of structure (user name prefix) among super nodes, and falls back to central server

20 Chord background Finger table: logN Stabilization for join/leave
Key node 8+1 = 9 14 8+2 = 10 8+4 = 12 8+8 = 16 21 8+16=24 32 8+32=40 42 1 54 8 58 10 14 47 21 Lookup in finger table for the furthest node that precedes the key In a system with N nodes and K keys, with high probability, each node receives at most K/N keys each node maintains information about O(logN) other nodes lookups resolved with O(logN) hops No network locality. Replicas need to have explicit consistency. Optimizations: location: weight neighbor nodes by RTT. When routing choose the neighbor who is closer to destination with lowest RTT from me. Reduce path latency. Multiple physical nodes per virtual node. What if a node leaves? Identifier circle Keys assigned to successor Evenly distributed keys and nodes Finger table: logN ith finger points to first node that succeeds n by at least 2i-1 Stabilization for join/leave 42 38 32 38 24 30

21 P2P-over-SIP Implementation
31 sippeer: C++, Linux, Chord Node join and form the DHT Node failure is detected and DHT updated Registrations transferred on node shutdown Co-located sipc can use sippeer service 29 1 31 30 25 26 26 9 19 11 15

22 SIP messages DHT (Chord) maintenance
1 DHT (Chord) maintenance Query the node at distance 2k with node id 11 REGISTER To: From: SIP/ OK Contact: Update my neighbor about me To: Contact: 10 22 7 15 Find(11) gives 15

23 SIP messages User registration Call setup and instant messaging
REGISTER To: Contact: Call setup and instant messaging INVITE To: From:

24 Node startup SIP DHT Dialing out REGISTER with SIP registrar DB sipd SIP REGISTER with SIP registrar DHT Discover peers: multicast REGISTER Join DHT using node-key=Hash(ip) REGISTER with DHT using Dialing out Call, instant message, etc. INVITE MESSAGE Last seen, SIP NAPTR/SRV, DHT REGISTER Detect peers REGISTER alice=42 42 58 12 14 REGISTER bob=12 32

25 Node leaves Graceful leave Failure Un-REGISTER Transfer registrations
Attached nodes detect and re-REGISTER New REGISTER goes to new super-nodes Super-nodes adjust DHT accordingly REGISTER key=42 REGISTER DHT OPTIONS 42 42

26 Adaptor for existing phones
Use P2P-SIP node as an outbound proxy ICE for NAT/firewall traversal STUN/TURN server in the node

27 Hybrid architecture Cross register, or Locate during call setup
DNS, or P2P-SIP hierarchy

28 NAT traversal and P2P-SIP
Joining a DHT from behind a NAT: open issue NATed nodes acts as users of DHT Media traversal STUN (not symmetric: 18%?), TURN, ICE Hole punching – works with 60% symmetric

29 Security open issues (threats, solutions, issues)
More threats than server-based Privacy, confidentiality Malicious node Don’t forward all calls, log call history (spy),… “free riding”, motivation to become super-node Existing solutions Focus on file-sharing (non-real time) Centralized components (boot-strap, CA) Assume co-operating peers works for server farm in DHT Collusion Hide security algorithm (e.g., yahoo, skype) Chord Recommendations, design principles, … Design principles: define verifiable system invariants and verify them Allow querier to observe the lookup progress Assign keys to nodes in a verifiable manner Server selection in routing may be abused Cross check routing tables using random queries Avoid single point of responsibility Pastry - exclude untrusted nodes with help of central certificate authority. Incorrect data served: verify by self certifying path names

30 Security Random thoughts
Un-trusted peers: Misrouting: easy to detect No-routing: hard (redundancy, reputation, “call itself”) Problems: Malicious program, copyright violation, stolen identity, privacy, free riding, sybil, programmable scripts, aliases Separate DHT from application Managed DHT: more trusted

31 Related work P2P networks Skype and related systems P2P-SIP telephony
Unstructured (Kazaa, Gnutella,…) Structured (DHT: Chord, CAN,…) Skype and related systems Flooding based chat, groove, Magi Skype-in/out uses SIP P2P-SIP telephony Proprietary: NimX, Peerio, File sharing: SIPShare Now in IETF: W&M, Avaya, Panasonic, … Mercora – legal music sharing S2S – science to science is a p2p search engine built using JXTA SOS – source->access point->beacon->secret servlet->filter/firewall->target. Target picks secret servlets. Beacon know abt secret servlets.

32 Advanced services Offline messages Conferencing Inter-domain
INVITE or MESSAGE fails => Responsible node stores voic , instant message. Conferencing Mixer, full mesh, multicast Inter-domain Local DHT; connected by DNS or global DHT

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