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MEMBERSHIP Focus & Challenge PETS 3141

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1 MEMBERSHIP Focus & Challenge PETS 3141
Dr. Bharat Pandya 6th March, 2016







8 Membership Challenge Increasing membership is a Great Testimonial to the Value of Rotary Rotary is at a Critical Point w.r.t Membership Change in approach to Membership

9 Rotary? Service Organisation ? Member Organisation ?

10 ? Marketing Membership Not Advertising / Selling Create Value
Communicate the Value Deliver the Value

11 Statement on Membership
Membership is Rotary International’s highest internal organisational priority, while polio eradication remains Rotary’s highest external program priority.

12 Most Important Membership With Members – Everything is Possible Without Members – Nothing is Possible

13 Membership Conundrum 30th June – 1st July

14 Reason to join? Do you have a heartbeat? Are you my Friend?
Can you pay the dues for 1 year / 6 months? All The President’s (Men) Rotarians Are you interested in being a Rotarian The recruit attitude centers on the organization's wants and needs, i.e. "The organization wants what you have to offer."  The attract attitude centers on the customers, members, and/or donors needs and wants, i.e. "The organization has something to offer you."

15 Whose Responsibility? Best Time is Now. Begin Now, Begin with Yourself
The Best time to plant a tree was 20years ago; the 2nd Best Time is Now.

16 Secret of Membership Growth
JUST ASK You have to KISS a lot of Frogs before you can find a Prince

17 Young Members – how? A Conundrum for Rotary!

18 Future – Exciting & Uncertain
We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using Technologies that haven’t been invented yet, in order to solve Problems we don’t even know are Problems yet. - Karl Fisch

19 MEMBERSHIP The Changing Face
Silents/Pre- Independence b. <1950 > 65 Boomers/Post-Independence b 50-65 Gen. X b 35-50 Gen. Y b.1980 – <35 Rotary Membership 20 55 5

20 MEMBERSHIP The Changing Face
Silents/ Pre-Ind >65 Boomers/Post-Ind 50-65 Gen. X 35-50 Gen. Y <35 OUT LOOK Preservationist, Dutiful, Frugal, Preservationist, Dedicated Driven Skeptical, Question ing, Independent Confidence Self-Esteem Informed

21 MEMBERSHIP The Changing Face
Silents/Pre-Ind > 65 Boomers/Post-Ind 50-65 Gen. X 35-50 Gen. Y <35 LEAD ERSHIP BY Hierarchy Consensus Competent Achievement

22 MEMBERSHIP ISSUES Silents/Pre-Ind Boomers/Post-Ind NETWORKING /
>65 Boomers/Post-Ind 50-65 Gen. X 35-50 Gen. Y <35 NETWORKING / COMMUNICATION Person-to-person , blog, chatting Cellphone, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube

23 MEMBERSHIP ISSUES Silents/Pre-Ind Boomers/Post-Ind Gen. X b. 1965-1980
Boomers/Post-Ind b Gen. X b Gen. Y b ATTENDANCE Regular What’s the Cause? Benefit?

24 CURRENCY 20 years back: Money: What do Things Cost?
10 years back: Information: Where can I get the Information regardless of Cost? Today: Time: Where & How will I possibly find the Time?

25 Questions People are Likely to Ask
What is expected of me? How much time is involved? What training will I get? How many others have joined/volunteered? How many are Like me? What’s in it for Me? Create Value

26 Interesting, Enjoyable, Fun, Worthwhile for Family
Young Members Address Concerns Time Family Value Make Rotary Interesting, Enjoyable, Fun, Worthwhile for Family

27 Retention

28 Plant the right seeds Pre-Induction Information Induction
Orientation and Education

29 Where there is Room in the Heart, there is Room in the Home
Make effort to become acquainted with each New Member Personally interact & invite New Members to join club committees. Mentor the New Member.

30 See that New Member feels comfortable and is not isolated.
Accompany New Member to meetings – Club, District. Touch their Heart before asking for their Helping Hand

31 Why People leave Rotary did not meet their expectations
They did not feel involved or felt unwanted They did not see any benefits of Rotary membership

32 Create Value – Friendship – Dhal Mitra
Leadership, Personal development, Prestige, Internationality, Satisfaction in service Rotary Global Rewards The Rotary Global Rewards program offers Rotary club members discounts on products and services for travel, entertainment, and merchandise. Rotarians can access the Rotary Global Rewards program from the Member Center.

33 Involvement & Assimilation Sweetness in a Cup of Coffee comes,
Retention Involvement & Assimilation Sweetness in a Cup of Coffee comes, Not Just from the Sugar But from the Stirring

34 Keeping Members – Action Plan
Give New Members more Options, Don’t Overburden, Break Down The Big Jobs Use & Focus on their Talent, not just Time Appreciation & Recognition Invest in Leadership Training & Development Don’t Give Up

35 Venus de Milo- Louvre museum
Only hands Rotary has are our Hands

36 Rotarian – A World Citizen
Ame R ican Eur O pean Bri T ish Jap A nese Aust R alian Afr I can Kore A n I N DIAN

37 India - Membership Topper
There is plenty of room at the Top, but there is no Room to Sit down There is ‘DO’ or ‘NOT DO’ Membership – only ‘DO’ ( GROW)

38 Paul Harris But we also need Men of Telescopic Vision
The Yearly, Daily, Hourly Spirit of Rotary Should be the Spirit of Renaissance; We need Men of Microscopic Vision who will explore the Molecules, Atoms & Electrons, But we also need Men of Telescopic Vision who will explore the Stars.


40 the cubic centimeter Carlos Castaneda

41 Change The Trend Bring A Friend Retain the Friend



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