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COI Version 6 COI Version 6 is scheduled to be launched alongside Cultural Navigator 7 in September of COI v6 will incorporate significant changes.

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2 COI Version 6 COI Version 6 is scheduled to be launched alongside Cultural Navigator 7 in September of COI v6 will incorporate significant changes to the COI that are designed to provide an enhanced user experience and greater options and flexibility for COA Practitioners to deliver programs. The adjustments made with the launch of COI Version 6 are based on our research findings from: Cultural Navigator users TMC/Berlitz program participants COA Practitioner community Client partners

3 Challenges & Opportunities
The value of the COI Assessment comes from its depth and ability to provide a shared non-judgmental vocabulary for engaging in cultural dialogue. Approaching the development of COI Version 6, we asked a simple question… How can we make it easier for people to access the depth of the assessment? COI Version 5

4 Adjusting the dimensions
Interaction Style Orientations that impact how you communicate and engage with others in work situations. Thinking Style Orientations that impact how you conceptualize and process information in work situations. Sense of Self Orientations that define how you view yourself and are motivated in the workplace.

5 Emphasizing preference
Interaction Style Orientations that impact how you communicate and engage with others in work situations. Fixed / Fluid Being / Doing Indirect / Direct Instrumental / Expressive Informal / Formal Particularistic / Universalistic

6 Emphasizing preference
Thinking Style Orientations that impact how you conceptualize and process information in work situations. Multi-Focus / Single-Focus Past / Future Low Context / High Context Inductive / Deductive Linear / Systemic

7 Emphasizing preference
Sense of Self Orientations that define how you view yourself and are motivated in the workplace. Control / Constraint Private / Public Hierarchy / Equality Collectivistic / Individualistic Cooperative / Competitive Flexibility / Order 6/8/2018

8 Emphasizing preference

9 A consistent experience
The three-preference continua found in COI v1 – v5 will be replaced by two-preference continua in COI Version 6. To make this adjustment the preferences of ‘Harmony’ and ‘Present’ will be removed from the COI Report but will still be incorporated within the mild debrief text for each orientation. By standardizing how we present each continua we: Improve the user experience Assist users in understanding their report Simplify & target the COI Debrief process Past vs. Future Control vs. Constraint

10 A flexible experience Users may now take the COI by dimension, allowing for flexibility for both the user and COA practitioner. Cultural Navigator 7 will also introduce new support materials on the COI and the impact of culture at work, which will help users understand the power of the assessment and its related comparison tools. The ability to take the COI in three dimensions helps to: Provide a flexible user experience Give users access to each dimension on demand Provide flexibility for program delivery

11 Enhanced COI Report The COI Report has been updated with the release of COI Version 6, with an emphasis on connecting user preferences to real world business situations. The new COI Report includes: An updated interface & PDF report options Targeted debrief text New challenges and recommendations text Scenarios connecting user preferences to business situations Audio debriefs for each user preference Links to resources for further learning

12 COI Assessment Algorithm
Normalizing User Preferences COI Version 6 will introduce a change in how we calculate user preference. COI Version 6 will now normalize all user scores. The new COI Algorithm will: Compare user responses against all COI users (Version 5 – Version 6) Plot user preferences for each continua based on the continua norm Standardize strength attributes by placing users in a strength range for each preference Help to create both user and COA practitioner understanding of how COI results are calculated

13 The Cultural Competence Journey

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