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Preliminary Research on SDS/DNA-CNT Exchange

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1 Preliminary Research on SDS/DNA-CNT Exchange
Daniel Roxbury Advisor: Anand Jagota

2 Objectives Use the reaction: DNA-CNT + SDS --> SDS-CNT + DNA
to show the binding strengths of DNA-CNT hybrids in solution Apply an array-based model to show dependence on DNA sequence

3 Starting Sample Poly (GT)30 ssDNA dispersed HiPCO nanotubes
Run through Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) Remove amorphous carbon Remove free DNA A3 through A6 samples used for experiment

4 DNA-CNT Spectrum 992 nm 280 nm

5 Preliminary Experiment
Mix DNA-CNT sample with excess surfactant, SDS 1% SDS solution Sonicate at ~8W for one hour Observe any shifts in peaks described previously

6 SDS Sonication Spectra

7 Observations Sonicating with SDS produces a ~7 nm blue shift in the 992 peak Sonicating w/o SDS, results in a ~6 nm red shift Both shifts produce a broadened peak 985 998

8 Observations (cont’d)
Qualitatively, appears to be increased absorbance at the free DNA peak Sonication alone displaced the bound DNA, but SDS increased the effect 280 nm

9 Additionally.. Upon letting the SDS-sonicated sample sit for a 20hr period, a back-shift in the 985 peak was observed

10 Langmuir Modeling 1-Component Adsorption (DNA on CNT)

11 Langmuir Modeling 2-Component Modeling (SDS & DNA) Where: p = SDS
q = DNA

12 Future Work Ultimately, it is desired to confine this experiment to an array of bound ssDNA Many thousands of DNA sequences could be tested at a single time DNA-CNT binding strengths could then be determined

13 Thank you Suggestions Welcomed

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