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15 Therapies.

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1 15 Therapies

2 Therapies Psychotherapy Specialized process where trained professional uses psychological methods Differing forms of psychotherapy have differing methods Psychoanalytic: focuses on gaining insight Humanistic: focuses on gaining insight Social learning or behavior therapy: uses forms of teaching

3 Therapies Psychotherapy Relationship involves power of therapist, emotional patient divulging personal data Ethical Standards Goals of treatment understood/agreed to by client; in best interest of client and society Careful consideration given to alternatives Therapist treats only within limits of expertise

4 Psychotherapy Ethical Standards
Therapies Psychotherapy Ethical Standards Effectiveness of treatment must be evaluated Rules and laws of confidentiality followed No abuse of therapist-client relationship Therapist must treat all humans with dignity; respecting all genders, races, sexual orientation, and other sociocultural factors

5 Therapies Psychoanalysis – founded by Freud
Root of all problems is in unconscious conflicts Imbalance in id, ego, and superego Conscious insight can resolve conflicts Special therapy techniques may be used Free association Dream interpretation Interpretation of resistance (from vague forms to specific resistance)

6 Therapies Psychoanalysis
Transference – therapist-client relationship takes form of client’s relationships with own parents and other authority figures Catharsis – emotional experience or temporary relief from discomfort (some insight gained) Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression Emerged from psychoanalytic tradition Identifies sources of depression and goals for therapy process; very successful outcomes

7 Therapies Humanistic psychology – Carl Rogers
People not born with unconscious mind Client-centered therapy or person-centered Emphasis on client’s ability to help self – feels emotionally safe enough to explore own hidden emotions Therapist creates unconditional atmosphere (warmth, genuine positive regard, empathy) Reflection – therapist makes statements to clarify client’s feelings and emotions

8 Therapies Gestalt therapy – founded by F. Perls
Humanistic psychotherapy approach Meanings of sensations organized into whole perceptions Goal: create therapeutic experience helping client achieve greater self-awareness Emotional atmosphere: therapists often deal in confrontive, challenging manner necessary to loosen denied feelings

9 Therapies Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT)
Abnormal behavior learned from inappropriate experiences through Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Modeling Learning is central goal of therapy; therapist is teacher and client learns adaptive behaviors Cognitions less important

10 Therapies Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT)
Fear reduction methods using Graded exposure - series of increasingly fearful situations experienced for gradual mastery Use of modern technology - computer-generated virtual reality Treats obsessive-compulsive disorders when used with other methods

11 Therapies Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) Social skills training
Shaping and positive reinforcement used in role playing Teach use of adaptive skills enough to handle real-life situations Focus on social skill problem of unassertiveness

12 Therapies Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) Cognitive restructuring
Assumes faulty cognitions – maladaptive beliefs, expectations, and thinking Effective for treating anxiety, depression Cannot modify clients’ existing behaviors because of inaccurate ways of thinking about themselves

13 Therapies Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) Cognitive restructuring
Patterns of cognition contributing to emotional distress Selective abstraction Overgeneralization Arbitrary interference Magnification and minimization Personalization Absolutistic thinking

14 What works best? Allocation Initial 3 wks 3 mos 6 mos 9 mos
10 15 20 25 30 35 5 Allocation Initial 3 wks 3 mos 6 mos 9 mos Self-help booklet CBT Untreated

15 Group and Family Therapy
Therapies Group and Family Therapy Group therapy Carried out with groups of 4 to 8 clients; sees experience more effective than individual therapy techniques Receives encouragement from others Sees problem experienced by others Learn from others’ advice Learn new ways to interact with others Format of group therapy varies widely

16 Group and Family Therapy
Therapies Group and Family Therapy Family therapy Group composed of family members Therapist trained in psychoanalytic, humanistic, and behavioral approaches Beliefs Family issues at root of problem Dynamics of family system need analysis – function of each need to be understood

17 Group and Family Therapy
Therapies Group and Family Therapy Family therapy Therapists’ goals to resolve problems by improving functioning of family system Give family members insights and correct family dysfunctions Increase warmth and intimacy in family Improve family member communication Help members establish reasonable set of rules for family regulation

18 Human Diversity Ethnic, gender, and sexual issues in mental health
Therapies Human Diversity Ethnic, gender, and sexual issues in mental health U.S. has one of most advanced mental health system in world – does not cover all citizens Hispanics - less outpatient care than whites African Americans – more likely than whites to be committed to psychiatric hospitals (often involuntarily)

19 Human Diversity Ethnic, gender, and sexual issues
Therapies Human Diversity Ethnic, gender, and sexual issues U.S. mental health system Fewer women receive mental health services than men Gender of therapist does not appear to influence outcomes Feminist psychotherapy – radical approach Women treated as second-class citizens and Barbie dolls

20 Human Diversity Goals of Feminist Psychotherapy
Therapies Human Diversity Goals of Feminist Psychotherapy Advocates equal relationship in therapy Encourage women to see how society limited them to dependent roles Encourage women to become aware of their anger; find constructive ways of expressing Have women define selves as independent Women encouraged to consider own needs Women should develop nontraditional skills

21 Drug therapy Widely used to treat abnormal behavior
Therapies Drug therapy Widely used to treat abnormal behavior Commonly used psychiatric drugs Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Transcranial stimulation Magnetic field used on frontal cortex Effexor Paxil Prozac Zorloft Xanax Geodon Haldol Navane Risperdal Zyprexa Depakote Epilim

22 Medical Therapies Psychosurgery Trephining Prefrontal labotomy
Modern names for labotomy surgeries conducted today Capuslotomy Cingulotomy

23 Trephining operations were apparently performed in the Middle Ages to treat abnormal behavior

24 Therapies 15 The End

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