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lecturePLUS Timberlake

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1 lecturePLUS Timberlake
9/20/10 Physical Science Purpose: To be able to define & calculate densities and be able to make the measurements to get density. Agenda Get out your warm up sheet Warm up Few notes on density ½ class take measurements lab practicum ½ class work on density practice problems Switch Finish lab practicum for homework lecturePLUS Timberlake

2 lecturePLUS Timberlake
9/20/10 warm up What is mass? What are the metric units of mass? What is volume? What are the units of volume? lecturePLUS Timberlake

3 New piece of paper: Density notes
What is density? How do we calculate density? lecturePLUS Timberlake

4 lecturePLUS Timberlake
Please write 3-step method at the top of your notes b/c it is required for density problems. 3 steps: Write equation in words. Plug in values with units. Write answer with units and box it! lecturePLUS Timberlake

5 lecturePLUS Timberlake
Density compares the mass of an object to its volume Density = mass in g (or g volume mL cm3) D = When do you use g/cm3? Only when it’s a solid or if the problem gives you those units! lecturePLUS Timberlake

6 Be able to use it every way!
d=m/v m= ? -m=dv v=? v= m/d lecturePLUS Timberlake

7 lecturePLUS Timberlake
Learning Check 1 Osmium is a very dense metal. What is its density in g/cm3 if g of the metal occupies a volume of 2.22cm3? lecturePLUS Timberlake

8 lecturePLUS Timberlake
Volume Displacement A solid displaces a matching volume of water when the solid is placed in water. 33 mL 25 mL lecturePLUS Timberlake

9 lecturePLUS Timberlake
Learning Check 2 What is the density (g/mL) of 48 g of a metal if the metal raises the level of water in a graduated cylinder from 25 mL to 33 mL? 33 mL 25 mL lecturePLUS Timberlake

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