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Teoria quantistica: Polaritone.

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Presentation on theme: "Teoria quantistica: Polaritone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teoria quantistica: Polaritone

2 Teoria quantistica: Polaritone

3 Sommario eccitone Stato isolato nel gap Transizione tunabile
Spin intero Picco di assorbimento ben separato dal continuo e-h Stato isolato nel gap Transizione tunabile Statistica bosonica Moto libero nel piano (k//)

4 Sommario MC Stato isolato nel gap Transizione tunabile
Statistica bosonica Moto libero nel piano (k//)

5 Sommario interazione classica
bare photon bare exciton bare exciton bare photon

6 Photon state in second quantization and k space
Electromagnetic Vacuum

7 Funzione inviluppo eccitone
Eccitone 1s (prima quantizzazione) +e -e Funzione inviluppo eccitone

8 Elettroni e lacune in seconda quantizzazione
Onda CB Onda VB Linguaggio elettroni

9 Linguaggio elettroni





14 Half-photon, half-exciton

15 Anticrossing k//=0

16 Accordo in frequenza Controllo deterministico del tuning a posteriori
Cavità con gradiente

17 GaAs

18 Effetti quantistici BEC polaritoni

19 Anticrossing k//=0

20 Lower polariton states

21 Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of an ideal Bose gas1
The Bose-Einstein distribution function: In a d-dimensional system with a parabolic dispersion around k=0: In a 3D (d=3) system with a parabolic dispersion around k=0: 1 S.N. Bose, Z. Phys. 26, 178 (1924), A. Einstein, Sitzber. Kgl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss (1924).


23 Scattering risonante

24 Fononi distruggono strong coupling

25 Exciton scattering distrugge
strong coupling

26 Esistenza polaritone Broadening distrugge Strong coupling
Coupling regimes Broadening distrugge Strong coupling

27 Phase diagram of exciton-polaritons
Weak coupling Weak coupling Strong coupling Solid lines show the critical concentration Nc versus temperature of the polariton KT phase transition. Dotted and dashed lines show the critical concentration Nc for quasi condensation in 100 µm and 1 meter lateral size systems, respectively.

28 Phase diagrams of exciton-polaritons in different materials
Solid lines show the critical concentration Nc versus temperature of the polariton KT phase transition. Dotted and dashed lines show the critical concentration Nc for quasi condensation in 100 µm and 1 meter lateral size systems, respectively.

29 Trappola in k space per polaritoni

30 CdTe T=5K

31 GaN Polaritons at T=300K

32 BEC in 300K

33 Polariton laser

34 Laser history... 1917 Einstein derived the Plank formula, spontaneous + stimulated emission 1950 W. Lamb: idea of light amplification 1950 A. Kastler, optical pumping 1953 Weber, Twones, Basov, Prokhorov, maser 1959 T.H.Maiman, laser on rubis 1960s gaz lasers 1969 first semiconductor lasers (pn-junction) 1972 Zh. Alferov, laser on heterostructures 1990s lasers on semiconductor nanostructures, VCSELs 1996, Imamoglou, idea of polariton lasing 2007, RT polariton laser

35 To make a polariton laser one should have a microcavity in the strong-coupling regime
Coherent spontaneous emission from polariton BEC Optically or electronically excited exciton-polaritons relax towards the ground state and Bose-condense there. Their relaxation is stimulated by final state population. The condensate emits spontaneously a coherent light

36 Escape of polaritons from cavity

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