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Rowan Class are going on a Picnic!

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Presentation on theme: "Rowan Class are going on a Picnic!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rowan Class are going on a Picnic!
Come and see what we have been learning!

2 Everyone in the class wrote an invitation!
First we had to decide what food to take with us and who to invite! Then we had to make an invitation to invite our guest! Everyone in the class wrote an invitation!

3 Next we had to make sure had enough food, so we learnt how to double with Numicon!
When we double, the number gets bigger! We also learnt how to share our food between 3 and 4 plates! We had to make sure that all the food was shared equally! After we learnt how to halve our food by using pictures and putting them into two equal groups! When we halve, the number gets smaller!

4 When you halve you share into two equal groups!
Next we made a shopping list for the whole year group! In pairs we had to halve the food so Rowan and Larch class had the same amount! When you halve you share into two equal groups!

5 Once we had decided what food to take with us we had to make it!
We had to measure out ingredients, look for numbers on scales and time how long our ice cream needed to be in the freezer! We made ice cream…

6 The jelly turns into a liquid when you add hot water!
Some of us wanted square jelly but I wanted round jelly because it has smooth edges. We made jelly… The jelly turns into a liquid when you add hot water! And we made sandwiches! We had to decide which shape to cut our sandwiches into! Which shape would you like?

7 FINALLY we could go on our picnic! It was great!

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