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Lecture 04: Logistic Regression

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1 Lecture 04: Logistic Regression
CS489/698: Intro to ML Lecture 04: Logistic Regression 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

2 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

3 Announcements Assignment 1 due next Tuesday 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

4 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

5 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
Baseline Assuming Lin Alg Basics: 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

6 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

7 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
ML Pyramid Deep Learning Machine Learning (anything fancier than simple Sklearn fit / predict calls) Software Engineering Convex Optimization Information Theory Linear Algebra Probability and Statistics 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

8 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

9 Regression or Classification
9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

10 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

11 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
Classification Higher “complexity” datasets need higher ”capacity” models (Formally, higher VC-Dimensionality) Perceptron !Perceptron Logistic Regression !Logistic Regression ? MLP Feature Eng etc etc 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

12 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

13 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
History of Solvers Closed Form <1950s Iterative Methods+Convex Iterative Methods+Smooth 2012+ Least Squares etc Interior Point Methods Log Barrier etc Deep Learning etc 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

14 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

15 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
Convexity Jensen’s Inequality 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

16 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
SGD 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

18 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

19 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
Perceptron Issues: 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

20 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

21 Bernoulli model Let P(Y=1 | X=x) = p(x; w), parameterized by w
Conditional likelihood on {(x1, y1), … (xn, yn)}: simplifies if independence holds Assuming yi is {0,1}-valued 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

22 Naïve solution Find w to maximize conditional likelihood
What is the solution if p(x; w) does not depend on x? What is the solution if p(x; w) does not depend on ? 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

23 Generalized linear models (GLM)
y ~ Bernoulli(p); p = p(x; w) natural parameter Logistic regression y ~ Normal(μ, σ2); μ = μ(x; w) (weighted) least-squares regression GLM: y ~ exp( θ φ(y) – A(θ) ) log-partition function sufficient statistics 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

24 Logit transform p(x; w) = wTx? p >=0 not guaranteed…
log p(x; w) = wTx? better! LHS negative, RHS real-valued… Logit transform Or equivalently odds ratio 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

25 Prediction with confidence
ŷ = 1 if p = P(Y=1 | X=x) > ½ iff wTx > 0 Decision boundary wTx = 0 ŷ = sign(wTx) as before, but with confidence p(x; w) 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

26 Not just a classification algorithm
Logistic regression does more than classification it estimates conditional probabilities under the logit transform assumption Having confidence in prediction is nice the price is an assumption that may or may not hold If classification is the sole goal, then doing extra work as shall see, SVM only estimates decision boundary 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

27 More than logistic regression
F(p) transforms p from [0,1] to R Then, equating F(p) to a linear function wTx But, there are many other choices for F! precisely the inverse of any distribution function! 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

28 Logistic distribution
Cumulative Distribution Function Mean mu, variance s2π2/3 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

29 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

30 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra
Playground 9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

31 Tensorflow coding example
9/21/17 Francois Chaubard and Agastya Kalra

32 Outline Announcements Baseline Learning “Machine Learning” Pyramid
Regression or Classification (that’s it!) History of Classification History of Solvers (Analytical to Convex to “Non-Convex but smooth”) Convexity SGD Perceptron Review Bernoulli model / Logistic Regression Tensorflow Playground / Demo code Multiclass 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

33 More than 2 classes Softmax 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

34 More than 2 classes Softmax Again, nonnegative and sum to 1
Negative log-likelihood (y is one-hot) 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

35 Questions? 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

36 backup 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

37 Classification revisited
ŷ = sign( xTw + b ) How confident we are about ŷ? |xTw + b| seems a good indicator real-valued; hard to interpret ways to transform into [0,1] Better(?) idea: learn confidence directly 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

38 Conditional probability
P(Y=1 | X=x): conditional on seeing x, what is the chance of this instance being positive, i.e., Y=1? obviously, value in [0,1] P(Y=0 | X=x) = 1 – P(Y=1 | X=x), if two classes more generally, sum to 1 Notation (Simplex). Δk-1 := { p in Rk: p ≥ 0, Σi pi = 1 } 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

39 Reduction to a harder problem
P(Y=1 | X=x) = E(1Y=1 | X=x) Let Z = 1Y=1, then regression function for (X, Z) use linear regression for binary Z? Exploit structure! conditional probabilities are in a simplex Never reduce to unnecessarily harder problem 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

40 Maximum likelihood Minimize negative log-likelihood 9/21/17
Yao-Liang Yu

41 Newton’s algorithm η = 1: iterative weighted least-squares PSD
Uncertain predictions get bigger weight η = 1: iterative weighted least-squares 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

42 A word about implementation
Numerically computing exponential can be tricky easily underflows or overflows The usual trick estimate the range of the exponents shift the mean of the exponents to 0 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

43 Robustness Bounded derivative Variational exponential
Larger exp loss gets smaller weights 9/21/17 Yao-Liang Yu

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