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Presentation on theme: "AMERICA MOVES TOWARD WAR"— Presentation transcript:

Ms. Ha Ch. 16 Sec. 4 Pages:

2 I. Neutrality slips away
A. Tripartite Pact 1. Any 1 country attacked 2. Others come to defense

3 B. Signed by Axis Powers 1. Germany 2. Italy 3. Japan

4 C. MAJOR PROBLEM! 1. If U.S. attacked one 2. Military nightmare a) Two-ocean war b) Atlantic & Pacific

5 D. U.S. building defenses 1. Selective Training & Service Act 2. Men: ages 21-35 3. Train: 16 million men 4. First peace-time draft

6 E. FDR breaks 2-term tradition 1. Runs for third term 2. Wendell Wilkie: Rep. 3. F.D.R. wins third term!

7 1940 Election FDR W. Wilkie

8 II. “Great Arsenal of Democracy”
A. Lend-Lease Act (1941) 1. Any country whose defense was vital 2. Lend them arms to fight

9 B. Lend Lease Act 1. Aid to Great Britain 2. Aid to Soviet Union a. June 1941 b. Hitler broke promise to Stalin

10 c. Hitler invaded Soviet
Union d. U.S. sends aid to Soviet

11 C. German Wolf Packs 1. Hitler’s goal: block aid 2. German submarines a. Called U-boats b. Attack supply ships

12 D. FDR: sink German U-boats in self-defense 1. By 1943, radar slows U-boat damage 2. Airborne antisubmarine patrols

13 III. FDR plans for War A. Atlantic Charter 1. FDR and Churchill (GB)
meet secretly 2. Pledge: security & aide to each other

14 Churchill: Prime Minister

15 B. Allies: “A Declaration of the United Nations”
1. Nations who fought Axis Powers nations or 4/5 of the human race signed it.

16 C. U.S. deaths by Germans 1. German U-boats sink two U.S. destroyers
a. Lost 11 lives: Kearny b. Lost 100+ sailors on Rueben James c. U.S. death toll mounted


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