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Creating a Proposal Using Performance Team or Workgroups

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1 Creating a Proposal Using Performance Team or Workgroups
Afnan Al- Saleh Ranya ID#

2 Outline The Project Analyzing The Problem Planning The Solution
Executing The Plan Evaluating The Results Summary Questions & Answers

3 The Project (Business Plan) to
Offering vending service in Saudi Arabia. (DAPEE) Model Most important step that each group or team should consider The DAPEE model has five components Define Analyze Plan Execute Evaluate

4 Analyzing The Problem This problem is existed because of two reasons:
Saudi customers should enjoy food vending service is because its modern, civilized and convenient service that developed countries are making use of. The Saudi society is described as consumer- cultured and also because the Kingdom is hub of workforce and labor where there are a lot of growing business and infrastructure projects.

5 S.W.O.T analyze Strengths: Weaknesses:
New, convenient and unique type of business and likely to be attractive. Highly demanded because food during work time is a persisting problem. Competitive pricing and availability. Reason operational costs. Strengths: People’s passive view of the vending service and goods The seasonality of many food ingredients. Easy to copy and steal the idea Weaknesses:

6 Opportunities: Threats:
Surprise is likely happen resulting in an exploding launch Possibility of major contracts and franchises. Expansion allowance Opportunities: Big brand name restaurants can extend their already existent service to include vending. Traffic congestion in Dammam and Khobar may get worse and delay service. Municipal decision to ban vending service Threats:

7 Planning The Solution start the first step by December 5 2012.
Five months will be enough for meeting the dates of all the stages so that the target inauguration day will be on May 1, 2014 The work in this establishing stage of the project will be mostly my responsibility as I have to supervise the site operations and also follow up the external activities.

8 Executing The Plan I will be meeting with my consultants who are relative and friends who have experience in different fields of business. Meeting with Faoziyah at least five times in the period of the project. Faoziyah who works as a Marketing agreed to lend data, information and contact list. In in-between period, I as the managing owners will be doing my supervision role. I will be taking care of more than one task at a time. The team in every meeting will gather and discuss the technical information and data which are collected from the specialized persons including the vending vehicles’ supplier, the contractor’s architect and the financial advisor.

9 Evaluating Discuss likely obstacles your group will face, how you will handle social loafing, and how you will maintain group cohesiveness (R) Considering the nature of the project, the establishing process is likely to be easy and smooth. First of all, the main components of the project are few; mainly a middle size location, a few delivery cars and the operations. These parts are easy to manage.

10 The social loafing therefore is likely to be toward productivity as the three managing persons are professional, responsible and enthusiastic for seeing the project on its feet. Also, with such few management members contact, meetings and coordination are easy. One challenge which we have to deal with, is meeting with the Canteen-Vending staff who are mostly men and we are women, but we have a vision on this we hope it will work. Even though it is an issue meeting with other two members of the Board of Directors who are employees and work in the project as part-timer. However, at least the two weekend days will allow these two days.

11 Conclusion The project is of a middle size one in terms of capital and components. According to these initial view which is based on market research, feasibility study, cost and revenue assessment in addition to the other technical background, the project will be successful from several aspects. It will be a profitable business that will draw revenue for the owners, partners and for financing farther expansion plans. It is also likely to be successful in offering in this service a social responsibility toward the community as it helps meeting a contestant, persistent and convenience need for the thousands workers and employees in business areas where rentals are high and there few cafeterias to offer the service.


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