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Comparison of Gases, Liquids and Solids

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison of Gases, Liquids and Solids"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison of Gases, Liquids and Solids
Property\State Gas Liquid Solid Intermolecular Interaction Virtually none Considerable interaction Flow Fluid – free flow Fluid – nearly free flow Rigid – virtually none Actual/Occupied Volume Ratio Close to Negligible Slightly<1.00 Mode of Motion Virtually random translational motion Restricted translational motion Vibration about fixed sites only Simple Equation of State Yes No

2 Phase Changes

3 Dipole-Dipole Forces

4 Ion-Dipole Forces

5 Formation of Induced Dipole in a Helium Atom
No induction in (a), since there are no ions or polar molecules in close proximity. Induction in (b) due to presence of near ion or polar molecule

6 Induced Dipoles in Helium
The induced dipoles exist only momentarily. Nevertheless, at low enough temperatures, the generated dispersion forces are sufficient for helium to condense.

7 Hydrogen Bonds in Water

8 Surface Tension

9 Capillary Action (a) Adhesion is higher (b) Cohesion is higher

10 Unit Cell and 3-D Depiction
3-D Structure

11 Seven Types of Units Cells – Seven Crystal Systems

12 Packing of Spheres – Simple Cubic Cell

13 Packing of Spheres – Body Centred Cubic Cell

14 Closest Packing – Two Arrangements

15 Cubic Unit Cells

16 Radii and Edge Length Relationships for Cubic Cell

17 X-Ray Diffraction

18 Crystal Structure of NaCl

19 Diamond and Graphite – Covalent Crystals

20 Properties of Crystals

21 Vapour Pressure

22 Vapour Pressure - Temperature

23 A Typical Heating Curve

24 Phase Diagrams

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