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“Idioteque” Kid A Released Oct. 2000

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2 “Idioteque” Kid A Released Oct. 2000
Radiohead “Idioteque” Kid A Released Oct. 2000

3 2000 Vicente Fox Elected President of Mexico
Ends 70 years of single party rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)

4 2000

5 2000 The Los Angeles Lakers overcome an 18 point deficit in Game 7 of the Western Conference Finals against the Portland Trail Blazers and go on to defeat the Indiana Pacers in six games in the Finals to win the NBA Championship

6 American Beauty wins the Academy Award for Best Picture of the Year
2000 American Beauty wins the Academy Award for Best Picture of the Year

7 Bill Clinton Was investigated for perjury and obstruction of justice relating to the Lewinsky affair He was impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate His attempts at striking Al-Qaeda were dismissed by Republicans as trying to distract public attention from the Lewinsky scandal After the scandal, Gore tries to distance himself from Clinton when he runs for President in 2000.


9 Y2K Computers programmed with only 2 digits for the year were supposed to crash as the year turned from 1999 to 2000. There were fears that nuclear missiles could launch due to the computer bug Millions stocked up on supplies and prepared for the end of the world.

10 Frenzel went to New Orleans

11 2000 Election Al Gore (D) George W. Bush (R) Former TN Senator
Vice President under Bill Clinton George W. Bush (R) Son of former Pres George H.W. Bush Governor of Texas

12 x 2000 Election WINNER!!! Gore 50,999,897 Bush 50,456,002

13 Electoral College Vermont: Population 621,760 Has 3 electoral votes
One electoral vote for every 207,253 people

14 Electoral College California: Population 36,961,664
Has 55 Electoral Votes One electoral vote for every 672,030 people

15 Electoral College 2000: 25 electoral votes
Need 270 to win a majority in the Electoral College After Election night, Gore leads Bush Everything hinges on Florida!!!

16 Arguments for the Electoral College
Protects the interests of small states Treats each state as its own entity Forces candidates to respond to local issues in key states Allows candidates to focus their time in certain states so they get to meet people more intimately It’s in the Constitution!!!

17 Some Say Electoral College is Unfair!

18 Arguments Against the Electoral College
Popular vote winner should win the Election 14th Amendment: Equal protection under the law!!! Why should some people’s vote count for more than others? Prevents confusion and chaos Popular vote better reflects the will of all the people

19 With a partner answer the following questions
“Do you think that the Electoral College is a fair method of electing the President? Why or why not?” “Do you think that the Electoral College makes Oregon’s votes more or less important? Why?” “What do you think would happen if America eliminated the Electoral College and declared the winner of the popular vote the winner of the election?”

20 Ralph Nader – Green Party Pat Buchanan – Reform Party
George W. Bush (R) Al Gore (D) Ralph Nader – Green Party Pat Buchanan – Reform Party

21 Gore: 48.4% 266 Electoral Votes Bush: 47.9% 271 Electoral Votes Nader: 2.7% No Electoral Votes Buchanan: 0.43% No Electoral Votes

22 Question Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader both failed to win a single electoral vote in the 2000 election. Did their presence in the race have any influence on the outcome?

23 Florida Vote Totals 2000 Bush: 2,912,790 (48.847%) Gore: 2,912,253 (48.838%) Nader: 97,488 (1.66%) Buchanan: 17,484 (0.29%)

24 Bush Margin of Victory: 537 votes (0.009%)
Votes for Nader/Buchanan combined: 114,972

25 Question Nader: 97,488 Buchanan: 17,484 If we assume that most of those who voted for Nader were also likely to support Gore and that most of those who supported Buchanan were also likely to support Bush, whose chances were probably hurt more by the presence of third party candidates?

26 Butterfly Ballot

27 What counts as a valid vote?
Question What counts as a valid vote?

28 Question Supreme Court: 1 vote
What was George W. Bush’s final margin of victory in the 2000 election? Popular Vote: - 543,895 State of Florida: 537 votes Electoral Votes: 5 votes Supreme Court: 1 vote

29 9/11 Sept. 11, 2001 19 Middle Eastern terrorists hijack four planes and crash them into WTC and Pentagon A 4th plane that was supposed to hit the US Capitol crashed in Pennsylvania Nearly 3,000 people die

30 9/11

31 9/11

32 9/11

33 9/11

34 9/11

35 9/11

36 9/11

37 9/11 Myth Saddam Hussein was partially responsible for 9/11 Facts
The attacks were carried out by 19 men, none of whom were from Iraq 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia

38 Effects of 9/11 President Bush declares “War on Terror” and tells the world that “you’re either with us or you’re against us 3 weeks later, America invades Afghanistan to hunt down Osama Bin Laden After a year in Afghanistan, some argue that we should attack Iraq to ensure that Saddam Hussein can’t provide “weapons of mass destruction” to terrorists

39 Like these guys… Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld

40 Iraq War 2002: U.S. officials demand that Hussein allow U.N. inspectors…Hussein refuses March 2003: Bush gives Hussein a 48 hour deadline to leave office or America will start bombing

41 Iraq War May 2003: Hussein has been driven from office. President Bush declares “Mission Accomplished” We would remain in Iraq until 2012… The weapons of mass destruction were never found…

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