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Progress of the Zinc Injection in Tsuruga NPP Unit 2

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1 Progress of the Zinc Injection in Tsuruga NPP Unit 2

2 Objectives To evaluate followings of the zinc injection for Japanese PWR plants by using Tsuruga-2 Effect of water chemistry during zinc injection Effect of decreasing dose equivalent rate on primary equipment and pipes after zinc injection Evaluation of the fuel performance by observing the external appearance and thickness of oxide film on the fuel installed in core during zinc injection

3 General idea for dose reduction by application of Zn injection
Primary Water 58Co, 60Co Redeposition Zn Pipe 58Co, 60Co Deposition Accumulation Pipe Zn Co Fuel Radioactivation Ni Zn Zn Suppression of the dissolution of corrosion products Accumulation and radioactivation of the corrosion products Suppression of redeposition Outer layer (Ferrite) : NiFe2O4 Inner layer (Chromite:CoCr2O4 ) : Oxygen :Zinc :Co,(Ni) : Cr Isotope Abundance (%) Radio Isotope Radioactive Half-life Zn-64 48.6 Zn-65 244 D Isotope Abundance(%) Zn-66 27.9 Zn-67 4.1 Zn-68 18.8 Zn-69 56 M Zn-69m 13.8 H Natural Zn Depleted Zn Zn-70 0.6 Zn-70m 4 H Depleted Zn : Suppression of dose increase due to reducing the abundance of Zn-64 below 1%

4 The Application Study Schedule of Zn Injection
FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 15/12~25/2 22/4~22/5 Outage (Tsuruga-2) # 14 # 15 Depleted Zn Purchase Zn Injection Equipment designing, manufacturing, setting Planning and Pre-adjustment Start of Zn Injection(10/8) ▼ Zn Injection Evaluation Water Chemistry Dose equivalent rate Fuel Performance       

5 Zinc Injection System in Tsuruga-2
  4 loops PWR   Start Operation : Feb. 1987   Electric Power : 1160 MWe      Charging pump Reactor vessel Steam generator (SG) Zn injection equipment Demineralizer Volume control tank (VCT) Sampling rack Sample Water Return Injection Pump Zinc acetate tank Chemical Volume Control System Sampling Room for Primary Water Pressurizer Primary Loop

6 Zn Injection Equipment
Equipment Configuration ・Chemical Tanks : 2 (10 little) ・Concentration of Zinc Acetate : about 5~12(g/little) Safety Precaution ・Chemical tank : low level detection ・injection pressure : high detection ・Leakage : detection ・check valve in sampling sink Automatic stop Connection Point Chemical Tanks Drain Line Zn Injection Equipment Sampling Sink Zn Injection Equipment Zn injection equipment was downsized with making consideration to safety precaution, and was connected to the sampling return line.

7 Zi Concentration in Primary Water
Zn Injection Plan Nov., 2005 Jan., 2006 Mar., 2006 May, 2006 Jul., 2005 Aug., 2005 2 1 May, 2005 6 5 4 3 10 9 8 7 About 5 ppb About 7 ppb Detection Limit : 1ppb Start of Zn Injection Outage #15 Zi Concentration in Primary Water (ppb) Incubation Period ※ Zn injection had been performed in Tsuruga-2 for eight months within a range of 5-7 ppb based on the European experience. (Upper limit : 10 ppb) ※ Because most of the Zinc is incorporated in the oxide layers on primary equipment and piping , zinc concentration of primary water is not detected in a early stage of Zn injection.

8 Primary Water Chemistry during the Zn Injection
Start of Zn Injection #14 Operation cycle #15 Operation cycle pH Conductivity Co-58 Ion Zinc Ion Co-60 Ion Electric Power (Mwe) Concentration (ppb) Cond. (μS/cm2) pH (-) (Bq/ml) Although concentration of the radioactive Co was increased by a factor of ten with Zn injection than before, the increase was expected based on the European experience. RCS purity, pH and conductivity, was not affected.

9 The increase in Zn-65 was not found due to using depleted zinc.
Measurement of the Radioactive Zinc (Verification of the depleted Zinc) 100 #14 Operation Cycle #15 Operation Cycle 10 Start of Zn Injection 1 Activity Concentration (Bq/ml) 0.1 0.01 Zn- 65 Crud Zn- 69m Crud Zn- 65 Ion Zn- 69m Ion 0.001 14/1/04 13/4/04 12/7/04 10/10/04 8/1/05 8/4/05 7/7/05 5/10/05 3/1/06 3/4/06 The increase in Zn-65 was not found due to using depleted zinc.

10 Relative dose equivalent rate on the primary equipment and pipes
Charging pump Reactor Vessel Steam generator (SG) Nonregenerative heat exchanger (1.1) Zn injection equipment Demineralizer Volume control Tank (VCT) Sampling Rack Sample water return Injection Pump Zinc Acetate Tank Crossover leg (0.69) SG channel head ( ) Cold leg (0.81) Hot leg (0.73) Regenerative heat exchanger (0.3) RCS pump (0.86) : Dose rate measuring points (Ratio from the previous outage) The zinc injection reduced the dose rate of primary equipment and pipes to % than that of previous outage. This effect of dose reduction is higher than expectation based on the foregoing plants. However, low temperature nonregenerater had no effect due to zinc injection.

11 Behavior of dose equivalent rate in SG Channel head
Zn Injection 100 SG channel head (Hot) 90 SG channel head (Cold) 80 70 60 Dose equivalent rate (mSv/h) 50 40 30 20 10 ※:Radiation source decay due to unscheduled plant shutdown when dose rate was measured 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Outage # Dose equivalent rate in SG channel head had increased with age, but was reduced to its about 20-30% thanks to the application of zinc injection.

12 Evaluation of the Fuel Cladding - Visual Inspection of the fuel external appearance -
K J H G F E N M D C P B A R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 14 13 12 Fuel experienced Zn injection Fuel experienced no Zn injection #13 Operation Cycle Fuel Burn-up : 13202MWd/t Specific Power ratio : 0.84 #13 Operation Cycle (Zn Injection) Fuel Burn-up : 46365MWd/t Specific Power ratio : 1.00 #14 Operation Cycle Fuel Burn-up : 31265MWd/t Specific Power ratio : 1.15 # R 08 (46365MWd/t) # P 02  (46560MWd/t) Fuel surface showed no significant differences with or without zinc injection. (The region looked white on the figure due to difference of growth of the oxide film (thickness, crystal structure) does not show an abnormality for the fuel performance.)

13 Evaluation of the Fuel Cladding - Measured thickness of oxide film -
※ Sendo et al. AESJ, 2003,Mitsubishi Heavy Industrial,LTD, NHI-NES-1012 Thickness of oxide film (μm) Past database ※ 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 従来スズジルカロイー4 低スズジルカロイ-4 (先行照射) 低スズジルカロイ-4 (Vandellos 2) * 低スズジルカロイ-4 (North Anna 1) 低スズジルカロイ-4 (高浜3号機) ** 低スズジルカロイ-4 (敦賀2号機;亜鉛経験なし) 低スズジルカロイ-4 (敦賀2号機;亜鉛経験あり) 10 30 50 70 * ( ) 原子力発電技術機構、平成 11 年度 軽水炉改良技術確証試験 (高燃焼度等燃料に関するもの)に関する報告書、平成 12 3 ** ( :Slightly rough surface Average of fuel burn-up(GWd/t) Past Data ※ : Zircaloy-4 (No Zn injection) : Zircaloy-4 (Zn injection) In the result of the evaluation, it was not considered that zinc injection would affect corrosion on fuel cladding because the measured thickness of oxide film was included in past database.

14 Summary Water Chemistry Dose equivalent rate Fuel Performance
・Concentration of zinc in primary water was controlled well within the target value (5-7 ppb). ・ Although concentration of the radioactive Co was increased by a factor of 10 with Zn injection than before, the increase was included within the expectation based on the European experience. ・ The increase in Zn-65 was not found due to using depleted zinc. Dose equivalent rate ・ The zinc injection reduced the dose equivalent rate of primary equipment and pipes to % than that of previous outage. Fuel Performance ・ It was not considered that zinc injection (eight months) would affect corrosion on fuel cladding by observing the fuel external appearance and thickness of oxide film on the fuel cladding. Zinc injection in Tsuruga-2 will continue to be performed. Influence of long-term zinc injection on the plant and fuel performances will be estimated.

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