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The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

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Presentation on theme: "The Berlin Blockade and Airlift"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Berlin Blockade and Airlift

2 The Berlin Blockade MUST: complete the newspaper articles
SHOULD: answer questions 1,2 and 3 COULD: answer question 4

3 Blockade: SHOULD questions
Why did Stalin mistrust the Truman Doctrine? Why did Stalin prevent countries in Eastern Europe accepting Marshall Aid? What impact did Marshall Aid have on life in Berlin?

4 The Berlin Airlift MUST: complete the newspaper article and questions 1 and 2 SHOULD: answer question 3 COULD: answer question 5

5 Airlift: MUST and SHOULD questions
Why were the Western Allies determined that the blockade should not succeed? (MUST) What was the significance of the Berlin blockade and airlift? (MUST) Contrast the American and Soviet views. How and why do they differ?

6 The formation of NATO MUST: complete the newspaper articles and shade the alliance countries on map SHOULD: answer questions 1 and 2 COULD: answer question 3

7 NATO: MUST and SHOULD Should Questions
What is the founding commitment of the members of NATO? What line did the eastern border of NATO members follow?


9 The Warsaw Pact MUST: complete the newspaper articles, shade the alliance countries on map and answer questions 1 and 2 SHOULD: answer question 3 COULD: answer question 4

10 Warsaw Pact: MUST and SHOULD questions
What was the impact of the Soviet nuclear test in July 1949? (MUST) Why was the USSR nervous about Germany joining a military alliance? (MUST) How did the death of Stalin affect relations between the superpowers?

11 Homework Look at the quotations on page 2 of the paper: ‘American view’ and ‘Soviet view’ Write an opinion piece for the newspaper agreeing or disagreeing with one of these views For Wednesday 31 January

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