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8th March 2017

2 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
For best results please view this document as a slide show Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

3 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
CARBS Bringing our data to life Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

4 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Overview Please click a map in the image below for details Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

5 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Day of Incident Shows a snapshot of all of the vehicle’s movements on the day of incident. This allows the user to check the data for any visits to Claimants’ and Representatives’ (Accident Management Companies, Hire Firms, etc.) and also corroborate our policyholder’s alleged pre & post-incident movements. From a more general claims perspective it is also helpful in confirming, for example, the vehicle’s attendance at the scene of an alleged collision when the claim has not been reported to us by the policy holder. = Claimant or Representative address Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

6 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
3am Locations & 5 hour+ Stop Locations = Declared Overnight Address One of the most common forms of policy fraud is the misrepresentation of the overnight parking address for financial gain. These two maps show the vehicle’s location at 3am each day and all stops lasting 5 hours or more. From this the user can quickly confirm whether or not the declared overnight address has been correctly represented and identify potential places of work for indemnity purposes. Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

7 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Weekend Ignition Off Points Shows a snapshot of all of the stops a vehicle makes during the weekends This allows the user to check for any historic visits to Claimants’ and Representatives’ addresses and is also particularly helpful for assessing driving behaviours and identifying signs of potential policy fraud such as fast-food delivery usage, etc. = Claimant or Representative address Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

8 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Top Ten Locations Shows the vehicle’s top ten most frequented locations allowing the user to validate occupations and gain further insight into driving behaviours. Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

9 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Day Movement Similar to ‘Day of Incident’, ‘Day Movement’ allows the user to play out the vehicle’s movements on the day of incident rather than simply showing a static overview. Click on the video below for an example of a vehicle’s movements prior to an induced collision. Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

10 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Day Movement The below video is another example of a vehicles movements prior to an induced collision. Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

11 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Automated Referrals - Risk Zones Through industry intel and our own investigations there will often be locations of interest (accident blackspots, meeting points, etc.) and businesses identified which are known to have played a role in the planning of a claim. The Risk Zone function in CARBS allows the user to input and store the details of these known locations with a set radius around them. Once inputted, all future data will be washed against this location and if the data shows a visit to, or a crash emanating from the location an automated referral will then be sent for further investigation. This feature has allowed the telematics data to be used more proactively in identifying and investigating fraud and can provide a valuable ‘head start’. = Risk Zone Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year

12 Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year
Automated Referrals – Third Party Visits Collusion between parties is a common occurrence in Fraud cases. In addition to Risk Zones, CARBS also logs the addresses of any Claimants listed on a claim and then checks these addresses against the data. If the data shows a stop within close proximity to a claimants address an automated referral is sent to the Counter-Fraud Team for further investigation. Getting such early notification of potential fraud indicators is invaluable and before the introduction of CARBS these matters may have gone unnoticed. = Claimant address Combatting Fraud: Technology Initiative of the Year


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