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Grade 5 Welcome! 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 5 Welcome! 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 5 Welcome!

2 Objectives Introductions Living our Faith In the classroom
Individualized programming Out of the classroom Integration Communication Fees Parents’ Roles

3 Welcome Parents! We are looking forward to having your children join our Gerard Redmond family. We want to make the transition as smooth as possible for your child – and you!

4 Living (and teaching) our Faith
Prayer Religious Studies School Liturgies Class Liturgies Class Retreats Division Chaplain class visits Church Mass Service

5 In the classroom… Daily Schedule Core courses Complimentary Courses
Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts Complimentary Courses PE, Religion, Health, French, Music, Computers, Library, FLEX

6 Individualized programming
Some elements of the program do not work for all students. Differentiation Modification to programming Accommodations Individualized Program Plans Special Education Coordinator / Counselling Specialized Assessments

7 Out of the classroom… Extra-curricular Co-curricular Sports
Student Council Intramurals Dances Wake-a-thon Spirit Week and other student events Talent Show Co-curricular Field Trips Science Fair Historica!

8 What to eat? Cafeteria Pizza program Popcorn program
Students supervised in rooms Allergy Aware school

9 Integration … Location and timetabling of students (lockers hallways, recess) Peer mentoring Collaboration with St. Greg (Retreats) Work experience students Spirit Week / Mixer Precision Reading FLEX Staff supervision Bus, recess, lunch, hallway, after school Secure school – locked doors, monitoring system, identifiable visitors

10 Communications… Report Cards (3 times; November, March, June)
Interviews (2 times; October, April) ConnectEd Website – Announcements, Calendar Teacher Websites Weekly s from the office Regular s from teachers Monthly calendar Safe Arrival Agendas

11 Fees… Student activity fee $10 Extra-curricular - $30-$100
Lock $10 or bring your own Field trips No Charge!!! Instructional fees Agendas

12 Parent Involvement… Parent Advisory Council / School Council
Volunteering Fundraising Supervisors Open line of communication(in person, phone, ) Support your child Reading Homework Check agenda

13 Questions? Have a great year! Classroom tour.

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