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CCP Leadership Webinar: Strategies to Support Students

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1 CCP Leadership Webinar: Strategies to Support Students
Spring 2017

2 WELCOME Colleges and LEA Partners CCP Leadership Team Support to Colleges and LEAS Based on input from Fall 2016 Summits

3 WEBINAR GROUND RULES Please mute yourself unless you want to speak. Background noise is inevitable with over 150 people calling in. Use the chat function to ask a question. We will pause after each area for questions and comments. Please raise your hand or type in a comment that we will read aloud. PLEASE let us know if you cannot see our screen.

4 Goals for the Session Examine student supports currently offered between partners – January 2017 Survey Results Discuss challenges and strengths based on best practices Further develop local student support opportunities across the state

5 Student Support Survey 2017
In January 2017, NCCCS sent out a survey to CCP Coordinators to examine the current student supports offered across the system. 47 of the 58 colleges responded Results are on the following slides

6 Student Orientation

7 Student Orientation

8 Strategies for Student Support: STUDENT PREPARATION
Colleges offer information sessions and orientations. Some colleges require attendance to apply to program. Consider transportation and location to ensure equitable access. Some colleges only work through application process.

9 Thoughts to Consider Process should include parents/families and high school staff. Some LEAs begin as early as middle school to share program opportunities. Start early! Timing is critical to support student access. Academic plans are most effectively developed early and sometimes before Grade 9.

10 Communication about Student Performance

11 Strategies for Student Support: COMMUNICATION about STUDENT PERFORMANCE
Most (2/3) colleges are communicating to someone at the high school when a student is not performing well; 1/3 do not. Colleges are communicating to high school staff and/or parents, depending on FERPA release. Some are getting FERPA release up-front.

12 Thoughts to Consider How is this communication structured? To whom? By when? Districts Two-way communication is key for student success. Timing of communication is crucial, especially when student supports are needed. An early-alert system or process of sharing progress with high schools on-going is key to success.

13 Textbooks

14 Fees

15 Strategies for Student Support: FINANCIAL ISSUES
Payment of textbooks varies across the state. Some schools are using paper and some are using e-textbooks. Colleges, students, and high schools pay for textbooks. College fees are waived by some but most are still requiring them.

16 Thoughts to Consider Consider textbook-free course. Use a variety of instructional resources, and not solely a textbook. Why are we dependent on textbooks? Consider developing own assessments so not to have to use the publisher codes. Share resources to reduce costs, reduce teacher prep and increase access. Consider waiving college fees. Many students are not accessing student activities.

17 Recommended Best Practices
Clear and consistent communication between partner IHE and district/school about student performance and enrollment. Develop processes and practices that support student success of high school students in a college environment. Create a clear and meaningful MOU that is developed together and regularly reviewed. Set regular meeting with partner leadership teams.

18 Enhanced Student Support: It Takes a Village

19 CCPLT Contacts: THANK YOU!
Bob Witchger, NCCCS Lisa Eads, NCCCS Jo Anne Honeycutt, NCDPI Sneha Shah Coltrane, NCDPI De McKenzie, NCDPI THANK YOU!

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