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Welcome to Mrs. Syfert's class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Syfert's class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Syfert's class!
Please take a sticky note if you'd like to donate something to the class. Thank you!

2 Go Heels! Let me introduce myself... ·9th year teaching in NC
·Graduated from UNC-CH with a double major in English and Communications Studies ·Graduated from UNC-Charlotte's NC Teach program ·Certified in middle grades Language Arts, Social Studies and 9-12 English Go Heels!

3 Daily supplies needed:
- 3 ring binder (to be used only for Language Arts) - agenda - pencil or pen for notetaking - highlighter - EXPO (dry erase) marker - markers or colored pencils - independent novel

4 Daily Procedures ·Write homework into agenda
·Date notes, copy LEQ and begin warm up ·Any notes for the day should be taken on this page

5 Lesson Essential Question:
September 12, Settling in Space - main idea Homework: None Lesson Essential Question: How do I find the main idea of a nonfiction piece? Warm Up: Set up your notebook page and answer the following question... Go back into "All Summer in a Day" (pgs ). What attitude does Ray Bradbury express about the possibility of living life on another planet? Pull text to support your reasoning.

6 Materials we will be using... New textbook (Holt McDougal)
Novels: ·Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen (mid October) - realistic fiction ·Crispin: Cross of Lead by Avi (mid December) historical fiction ·The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (mid February) - science fiction ·The Call of the Wild by Jack London (April) classic literature

7 Our Literature book this year is the Holt McDougal.
Only a class set, but students will be registered and given online access. ·Differentiation ·Global awareness ·21st century tie ins

8 Differentiation ·Whole group instruction—introduce concepts of 6th grade curriculum ·Group work—practice those concepts with others ·Individualized—work on personal reading and writing goals

9 Global Awareness ·Connecting ideas and concepts to cultures around the world.

10 21st century awareness ·Connecting ideas and concepts to skills needed in the workforce. ·Finding the importance and application of concepts as they relate to the real world.

11 Reading, writing, vocabulary within context, grammar, speaking and listening are concepts incorporated throughout all units.

12 Breakdown of grading Classwork and Informal Assessments
45% of quarter grade Homework 10% of quarter grade Formal Assessments Formal assessments include tests and projects.

13 Grading Policy: · The purpose of collecting grades is to assess students' mastery of content and skills, not effort. · Make-up work will be accepted when a student is absent. Arrangements for completing the work should be made as soon as possible; the student is given 5 days to do so. Arrangements must include a schedule for completion of the work. Students are encouraged to call classmates when absent to stay on top of class assignments. · Late work will be accepted, but will be assigned a 70% if turned in a day late and a 50% for anytime thereafter.

14 6th grade vs. 5th grade ·Increase in use of inference and analytical skills—very challenging for some students who are still concrete thinkers. ·Assessments: All content and skills need to be applied to a new text (not just memorized) ·Look at the impact of one element on another (how does setting impact plot, how does the genre influence character, etc.) ·Increase in poetry—2 selections vs. 1

15 Tutoring Tutoring will be offered on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-4:00. Students need to notify me in advance and have a note or from their parent indicating they will be picked up promptly at 4:00.

16 Contact info... Check my teacher wiki site, for class information, including daily lessons and notes. You can also access my site through the JMR website under the faculty and staff tab. Homework should be written into your child's agenda daily, but can also be accessed through my website by clicking on that day's lesson. If you have questions, please feel free to me at

17 Questions?

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