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Separate the facts from the opinions.

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Presentation on theme: "Separate the facts from the opinions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Separate the facts from the opinions.
All About Whales Separate the facts from the opinions. By Katherine Segal

2 Directions: As you read about whales think about which statements are facts and which are opinions. Read it a second time and place the facts and opinions into your chart.

3 Whales are large, magnificent, intelligent, aquatic mammals.
Thoughts About Whales This whale is jumping in and out of the water for all the spectators. Whales are large, magnificent, intelligent, aquatic mammals.

4 Whales Breathing blowhole Whales breath through blowholes instead of lungs. This is a lot harder.

5 Blue whales are enormous
Blue whales are enormous. They can grow as large as 94 feet or 29 meters long !

6 Whales Breaching Whales are very entertaining when they are breaching. They jump high and come back down slamming into the water. Sometimes they twirl in the air.

7 Traveling Whales Many whales travel in groups called pods. Sometimes they hunt or migrate with these groups. They are like a family.

8 Did you find some facts and opinions as you read about whales?
Now, go back through and list the facts and opinions in your chart. Remember facts tell us information that is true. Opinions tell us what people think. Click to start again.

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