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Program Review 2018-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Review 2018-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Review

2 Calendar Due Dates: 9/29: Committee Reviews Due
10/6:  Program & Area Reviews Due for Dean/Area Manager Reflection & Feedback 10/20:  Final Program and Area Reviews Due 10/27:  Dean & Area Summaries Due

3 Why these Questions? Last year, Jan and Trish worked intensively with the Institutional Effectiveness Task Group and the PRBC to envision what the “new” Program Review needed to do. We worked with Institutional Research on data presentation. We worked with the Business Office on aggregation of data. We worked with the webmaster on software applications and the process, from beginning to end. We asked people what program and area review should do, and we asked people to beta test. We need the process to be useful—to help us make real improvements. We want to more deeply connect what we’re doing each day (in whatever work context we’re in) to students, more deeply connect planning and budgeting, and plan for how we can increase the number of students who complete their educational goals, particularly those farthest from opportunity. Typically, we’ve done that by looking through some specific lenses –CEMC, success, completion, and persistence data. However, there are other lenses: to look at how things are different for part- and full-time students, to consider the problem of equity, and to consider the varying needs of students as they move through the institution, from application to completion. We’re also asking questions to support longer-range planning around our equipment and facilities needs, with an eye to a new Facilities Master Plan.

4 Logging in This URL will take you to the TEST application test As of tomorrow, the URL will change slightly. Only one person can be the editor this year. Others can review it, but one person is in control of the submission. Whether reviewing or editor, use the same username and password as you use to log into your Chabot computer. If you enter the username/password incorrectly 3 times, you’ll be locked out of this application, AND , curricunet, and any Chabot computer. For this reason, we highly recommend that you stop after 2 unsuccessful attempts, and contact Wing Kam x7618 for further assistance. After successfully logging in, click on the Program Review icon, then if you’re the editor, find yourself on the list, and create a PR (or review one)

5 Drop boxes for Resource requests
When you come into the application, the first information you’ll notice is the links to IR data… Carolyn has advised me that these have been updated, and Wing will be updating these links ASAP. For you, you just click on the link presented. Then, the questions to answer are presented. Links to helpful (we hope) data, are embedded with the questions. A drop-down menu takes you to the resource requests/ Each drop-down menu will open the “spreadsheet,” for a request, and when you are ready to add an item, click the icon. When you finish filling in the form, the information will populate the spreadsheet. This ensures that the formatting of information is uniform across everyone’s entries. Please be attentive to where software should be requested. If what you want costs more than $10K, it’s equipment, not supplies. You can aggregate supplies, rather than enter individual line items—for this year—we haven’t linked the spreadsheet to Banner, yet.

6 More on Resource requests
Other than personnel and FTEF, this is year one of comprehensive planning, so ask for everything you need—do not assume that ANYTHING other than personnel or FTEF will “roll over.” If you ask for multiple personnel, for example 3 Student Assistants, you must ask for them individually, as each request requires the classified prioritization material as well as be ranked in terms of its priority. You’re being asked to think not only about next year, , but two more years out. This means we expect prices and needs to change, so you’ll have the ability to add and subtract, and adjust next year in your update. Do your best to provide accurate information, but know we expect change.

7 Drafts and submissions
Save… saves. You can print and share your draft with anyone and everyone. Submit, saves and sends it to the next level. For many, that means a dean or area manager’s review. That person might make recommendation to you and send it back for revisions, or simply accept it and submit it to PRAC. If no review is required, there will be a green button that says submit to PRAC, when you are ready. Click and you’re done. There is also a user’s guide with information about the bits of the application, in case you have a question. In general, this software application uses commonly used symbols in commonly used ways, e.g., pencil = edit, trash can=delete, and + = add a new item.

8 Additional information
Contact Jan Novak, Trish Shannon, Jeanne Wilson

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