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Mineral Groups Silicates Carbonates Oxides and Sulfides

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1 Bellringer: Organize the minerals on your table into the groups that you think they belong

2 Mineral Groups Silicates Carbonates Oxides and Sulfides
These make up more than 90 percent of the minerals in Earth’s crust Carbonates Oxides and Sulfides

3 Silicates A compound of silicon, oxygen, usually one or more other metallic elements The basic building block is the silica tetrahedron

4 Why would this be? Quartz Chemical formula: SiO2
It is made up of a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon–oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall formula SiO2 *Min Book Most sands consist mainly of grains of quartz Why would this be?

5 Feldspars The feldspar family makes up about 60% of Earth’s crust
All feldspars have: 2 directions of cleavage Hardness of 6 Pearly luster The 2 major groups of feldspars are: Orthoclase feldspar Plagioclase feldspar

6 The 2 Feldspars Orthoclase Plagioclase
Potassium Feldspar Color is light pink or salmon Plagioclase Sodium or Calcium Feldspar Color ranges from white to gray Examples include: Albite Labradorite Feldspars are used in everyday products like glass and ceramics

7 Other Silicates Pyroxenes Micas Augite
Most common pyroxene Is a Ferromagnesian silicate and is always dark in color Micas Most common are Biotite and Muscovite Both have a hardness of 2.5 and 1 cleavage plane Muscovite is silvery white color Biotite is dark brown or black color

8 Other Silicates Cont. Amphiboles Olivines Kaolinites
Hornblende is the most common Hardness of 5-6 Color ranges from dark green, brown, or black Olivines Color is olive-green Kaolinites Kaolin Resembles clay Color of white

9 Carbonates A carbonate is a mineral made of negatively charged carbonate ions bonded to positive metal ions Where have we heard of carbonates before and where can we find them around here?

10 Carbonates Cont. Calcite Also called calcium carbonate
Most common carbonate mineral Color ranges from colorless to white Hardness of 3 Breaks into flat sided rhombahedra Also fizzes when diluted HCl is droppped on it

11 Carbonates Cont. Dolomite Also called magnesium carbonate
Like calcite it will also break into flat sided rhombahedra Will not fizz or react strongly when HCl is dropped on it due to the magnesium in its chemical formula Calcite = CaCO3 and Dolomite = CaMg(CO3)2

12 Oxides and Sulfides An Oxide is a mineral consisting of a metal element combined with oxygen A Sulfide is a mineral consisting of a metal element combined with a sulfur Not as common as silicates or carbonates They contain significant amounts of iron Important economic resources

13 Oxides Hematite Magnetite Most common iron oxide Color is usually red
It can have a metallic luster Always will streak reddish brown!!! Magnetite Color is usually black Shiny to dull luster Unique property = Its MAGNETIC

14 Sulfides Pyrite Most common sulfide mineral It is an iron sulfide
Chemical formula is FeS2 Color ranges from pale brass to golden yellow Hardness of about 6 Also known as “Fool’s Gold”

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