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4-H Resource Development: What can it do for me and my county?

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Presentation on theme: "4-H Resource Development: What can it do for me and my county?"— Presentation transcript:

1 4-H Resource Development: What can it do for me and my county?
presented by Shelly Bingle-Coffman 4-H Resource Development Officer, Purdue Extension Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

2 4-H Resource Development
Raise funds from individuals, corporations and foundations to support the work of Purdue 4-H Youth Development regionally and statewide. Leverage the partnership between the Indiana 4-H Foundation and Purdue University. Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

3 Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

4 Benefits of the Indiana 4-H Foundation
Allows Indiana 4-H the flexibility to: actively fundraise and promote 4-H to outside audiences because the Foundation has it’s own not-for-profit status process and distribute monies that the University cannot or does not want to handle (example: License Plates, Tractor Supply-Paper Clover) give scholarships to deserving youth that want to attend post-secondary institutions other than Purdue Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

5 Successes of the Foundation
Indiana 4-H Congress, $25,000 Junior Leader Council Conference, $12,500 Accomplishment Scholarships, $35,000 Working through county partnerships, $66,000 in Foundation Scholarships 4-H Staff Retreat $5,000 / $9,400 Service Learning Grants for 2011 $10,000 SET supplies and curriculum $10,000 SET camp scholarships $7,500 Round-Up Speaker and Scholarships $4,500 Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

6 Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.
Opportunities for 2011 50th Anniversary of the Indiana 4-H Foundation Launching Planned Giving Campaign Special Annual Meeting in April 4-H Story Collection Project Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

7 Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.
What are Planned Gifts? Planned gifts are referred to as such because they require more planning, negotiation and counsel than an outright gift. Planned gifts involve an arrangement between a donor and a non-profit organization, whereby the donor takes a partial tax deduction for the gift and then receives an income stream from the non-profit. Source: Wikipedia Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

8 Boone and Fayette County Example
Excellent example of how we can all work together and make a big impact on the future of 4-H. Potential donor contacted Tony Carrell and Dr. Hibberd to express her desire to speak with someone about making a gift Tony and I met and discussed background, ideas and options Over many months and meetings, an endowment document was created using resources at Purdue Donors wishes were that 80% go to 4-H program in Boone and Fayette Counties and 20% go to need based scholarships Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

9 Other 4-H Endowments Completed or in Process
Mary Frances Smith Scholarship Jabaay Endowment for 4-H Accessibility Eric A. Holm Endowment for Indiana International 4-H Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

10 Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.
Endowments Basic Minimum for Any Endowment = $25,000 Named Undergrad Scholarship = $25,000 Named Educator Position= $100,000 minimum suggested $1 million for full support These types of gifts would NOT typically be cash, but a gift of assets from through a will or other planned giving vehicle. Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

11 Who are good candidates for planned and other gifts?
Loyal 4-H Volunteers Individuals who are passionate about 4-H Individuals who have given multiple small gifts over many years Extension Board Members, Fair Board Members & Retired Extension Employees 4-H Alums who attribute 4-H to their success Major givers to 4-H in your county Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

12 Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.
I have children and relatives. Shouldn’t I leave my entire estate to them? This is perhaps the number one cause for reluctance when making a bequest. The truth is that, depending on the current tax laws, leaving a gift to charity in your will may reduce the estate tax burden on your heirs significantly. You should consult with a financial advisor or attorney to learn how giving may actually benefit your family after you’re gone. Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

13 Opportunities to Work Together
Personally supporting the Foundation or 4-H Resource Development Planned Gifts 4-H Youth Development Program Dollars from Individuals and Corporations Scholarships Other ideas? Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

14 Conversation Starters
How can we make sure that 4-H is strong in Indiana for the next 100 years? What keeps you from working on Resource Development? What resources are we leaving on the table? Can we afford not to think about it? Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

15 Let’s Get Together and Support 4-H!
Shelly Bingle-Coffman 615 West State Street, Room 101 West Lafayette, IN (office at Purdue) (cell) Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access institution.

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