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Presentation on theme: "CONFERENCES & TRAINING EVENTS"— Presentation transcript:

TASC is sponsored by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD), the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), the Social Security Administration (SSA), and the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA). TASC is a division of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN). TASC CONFERENCES & TRAINING EVENTS PRESENTER GUIDE #6 Tips for Effective Presentations January 2009

2 Jane Hudson Sr. Staff Attorney, NDRN Training and technical assistance to P&As Expertise: Abuse & Neglect Used to be a teacher of adults

3 Reframing “speaker” → “teacher “audience” → “learners” or “participants” “presentation” → “group-based learning” or “workshop”

4 The Keys to an Effective Presentation
Clearly communicating a core message Continuously interacting with the learners

5 Having a Clear Message Before you give your presentation, ask yourself: What is the one core concept that I want the audience to remember?

6 Having a Clear Message One technique to identify the core concept is
to write it down as a Newspaper headline. Short Easily Understood Active Verbs Interesting

7 Example “Disability Advocates Unite to Urge Congress to Stop School Torture” Resources about how to create good “headlines” are at end of webcast description.

8 Interacting with Learners
The best way to get learners to remember your core message is… to connect on a person-to-person level

9 Interacting with the Learners
MAKE IT SAFE. Will I be safe to participate in group setting without being ridiculed, ignored or shot down? Will I be seen as someone who can contribute something of value to this training?

10 Interacting with the Learners
Teachers establish a safe atmosphere by: Stand, if able, so that there are no physical barriers Interact with the learners before the “official” workshop begins Use visuals as guides, but never read their presentations  Tell relevant stories in everyday language

11 Interacting with Learners
Learning is not a one-way street Limit didactic presentation to 20-25% of time Timing of learner questions and comments During? After?

12 Interacting with Learners
Repetition is a good thing. Adult learners need to hear 6-7 times to for it to sink in. Emphasize core message at beginning, middle and end. Use different ways to get core message across.

13 Interacting with Learners
Create ample opportunities to interact with each other: Two-person and small group discussions Small groups work on post-tests Role playing & demonstrations

14 Interacting with Learners
Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I’ll understand. Confucius

15 Interacting with Learners
Good teachers frequently check in with learners Respond on the spot or wait until later?

16 Interacting with Learners
Check in with your audience at appropriate times: What has caught your attention so far? What new ideas are being raised for you? What are you thinking about as I say this? Does this make you think of any situations you are facing? What might your co-workers be concerned about if you shared this idea with them?

17 Summary - Key Ideas Communicate the core message throughout the presentation Interact, interact, interact… For more information → go to the links at the end of the webcast description. Thanks!


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