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Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

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1 Social Media Do’s and Don’ts
Best Practice Perspectives July 2017

2 Your Presenter Steve Semler
Chief Learning Architect / Talent Consultant Author HR Geek

3 Agenda: Social Media in 3 Areas
Strategy Employee Use HR Use

4 “What is social media?”


6 What is Social Media? All means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet… Including to your own or someone else’s web log or blog, journal or diary, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site, web bulletin board or a chat room… Whether or not associated or affiliated with [Employer], as well as any other form of electronic communication. What are the implications of this definition?

7 Social Media in 3 Areas Strategy Employee Use HR Use

8 Strategy Consider the Client What is your Goal? Consider the Resources
Involve People in Planning Launch Professionally Be Present Constantly

9 Strategy Do’s and Don’ts
Have a purpose for using social media Participate actively Resource appropriately Train your staff Set clear messages Tie social media to your communication plan Have a crisis plan… and rehearse it Fall into the trap of thinking “everyone is using it” Expect everyone to use it Expect it to replace other channels of communication Assume that it will take care of itself Implement without a policy Delegate it to one person and expect it to succeed

10 “How should we approach this?”
Discussion “How should we approach this?”

11 Social Media in 3 Areas Strategy Employee Use HR Use

12 Employee Use Know the Law Craft a Policy Set Expectations
Train your Staff Encourage Community Allow Differences of Opinion

13 Employee Use Do’s and Don’ts
Research what you can and can’t require of employees Craft a sound use policy Involve employees in planning; Use that conversation to share expectations Draw the line between official and unofficial Enforce your policy Require everyone to post, follow, or participate Monitor employees’ private social media use Punish protected speech Act in haste Ignore your concerns about employees creating negative impressions

14 “How will this apply to us?”
Discussion “How will this apply to us?”

15 Social Media in 3 Areas Strategy Employee Use HR Use

16 HR Use Social media is mainstream Public information is public
Candidates and employees must be treated legally Avoid disparate impact Consistency is critical

17 HR Do’s and Don’ts Do Don’t
Tie the social media to your “employment brand” Encourage HR participation Use it to check candidates After interview, before offer Same for every candidate Third party review like a background check Spot check and help managers enforce policy Ask to view employees’ or candidates’ non-public sites Use it inconsistently Jump to hasty action about employee postings Violate employees’ rights Expect it to replace existing recruiting channels

18 “What else do we need to know?”
Discussion “Who handles this?” “What else do we need to know?”

19 Social Media in 3 Areas Strategy Employee Use HR Use

20 This requires coordination

21 How will you do it? The plan must involve: Leadership HR IT Training
Board Employees Your use of social media will need IT and Communications support

22 Remember to Consider all 3 Areas
Strategy Employee Use HR Use

23 Resources Social Media Handbook (Nancy Flynn)
Search: Amazon Flynn social media handbook SHRM Social Media Policy (member resource) Contact: Your HR manager or IBM Social Computing Guidelines Search: IBM social computing guidelines Legal Trends social media use in hiring Search: SHRM social media hiring

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