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Types of employee Unit 3 Employability and Professional Development

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1 Types of employee Unit 3 Employability and Professional Development
HND in Computing and Systems Development

2 Purpose of unit A mandatory unit
Gain the skills required for effective employment Manage your own personal development Or in other words, prepare you for getting an IT job and having a successful career

3 Outcome At the end of the unit you will:
Take responsibility for your own personal and professional development Demonstrate acquired interpersonal and transferrable skills Understand the dynamics of working with others Be able to develop strategies for problem solving

4 Skills Hard skills covered in other units This unit covers soft skills
Programming Web design Networking This unit covers soft skills personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people

5 Desirable soft skills Take 5 minutes to discuss with your neighbour what you think the soft skills are that employers would be looking for

6 Soft skills that employers want?
Communication Decision making Showing commitment Flexibility Time management Leadership Creativity and problem solving Teamwork Accepting responsibility Ability to work under pressure

7 What type of employee are you?
Complete the quiz Circle your answers on the table Which type has the most circles?

8 Type 3 - Shirker Displays boredom, apathy, moodiness
Unproductive worker Not many friends or long-term supporters

9 Type 1 - Grandstander Tries to impress people—especially the boss
Probably not doing the actual job as well as it could be More concerned about getting noticed than about getting good work done Obnoxious and self-centred behaviour Unpopular with colleagues

10 Type 2 - Pushover Too nice
At risk of getting burnt out and walked over Work harder than you have to — all the time You don’t take credit where credit is due You don’t refuse grunt work Labelled as a good “support person,” assuming you don’t have the skills to negotiate, delegate, or visualize big picture projects.

11 Type 4 – Good employee Level-headed, conscientious employee. Can
follow instructions, take criticism take initiative Doesn’t feel the constant need to prove themselves or gain acceptance. Good work ethic

12 Build a profile of yourself
Personality profile quiz Based on work by Carl Jung and Myers-Briggs Explore temperament, learning styles, relationships and stress management Identify you as one of sixteen personality types Go to Screen grab the results and save them Do you recognise yourself?

13 What soft skills do you have?
Now rank yourself (1-5 where 5 is very good) Communication Decision making Showing commitment Flexibility Time management Leadership Creativity and problem solving Teamwork Accepting responsibility Ability to work under pressure Save the results

14 Next lesson Come with an electronic copy of your CV

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