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SRG Accommodations and Modifications

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1 SRG Accommodations and Modifications
Standards Referenced Grading & Exceptional Learners

2 Scale for Today’s Learning
4 Participants demonstrate that they have the ability to: Investigate the current reality of what grades mean and how progress is communicated in your district 3 Explain the benefits of the SRG Scale for clarifying content Relate how formative assessments inform instruction and differentiation Relate how scales improve feedback to students regarding progress 2 Know your learner Distinguish between accommodation and modification Apply monitoring techniques in real-time to make changes in instruction 1 Participant did not interact with the scale. Welcoming + Beginning -- Cody Before we begin, circle tasks that you are able to do.

3 Why don’t all students learn at higher levels?
“Barriers to learning occur in the interaction with the curriculum- they are not soley in the capacity of the learner.” Rose & Mayer 2002 Volunteer Reader

4 Guiding Practice 6 is About Exceptional Learners
Exceptional Learners are students whose current performance level is significantly discrepant from grade level standards. An exceptional learner may or may not have a Plan or an IEP. Includes accelerated students -- Nikki

5 Guiding Practice 6 Update
Our primary work should be around identifying accommodations to reduce barriers between student interactions with the standards. And, using standards is your best friend because… -- Cody

6 Adaptations Accommodations Modifications
“Level the playing field” for a student Allow the student to participate in and demonstrate mastery of the standards Helps student get “it” Modifications Change in content and assessment The learning goal/standard is modified Changes “it” Link back to the opening activity. The accommodations did not change the expectation of the task which was to create the structure I only see ½ the umbrella, but my entire day-to-day is based on these accommodations for ELLs in core classe…99% of teachers will use accommodations daily Knowing what “it” is has become simple – the scale guides the learning topics

7 Guiding Practice 6 Procedures
The decision to modify must be made by the student’s educational team. The team must include: a parent the student a school leader a specialist the general education teacher for the course being modified The parent must be invited via the Meeting Notification Letter at least ten days prior to the meeting. If the student has an IEP use the required letter in the IEP Program. Not an individual teacher decision! Modifications are a big deal that cannot be decided by just one teacher because it can affect the course number and NCAA eligibility for college -- Cody

8 9th Grade World War II Scale, 6 Week Unit
4 In addition to meeting the learning goal, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond the goal. Was World War II preventable? Use specific examples from history to help support your argument. 3 Learners can… Summarize the causes of World War II. Explain the impact of key battles and turning points in World War II, providing at least two examples. Describe the political, social, and economic effects of World War II. 2 Knowledge of concepts such as: communism, fascism, global depression; causes of WWII; Axis and Allied Powers, methods and strategies of war, effects of WWII Treaty of Versailles/ League of Nations, appeasement Specific vocabulary/events/leaders such as: appeasement,, Pearl Harbor, Stalingrad, D-Day, Midway, atomic bomb, siege, Island Hopping United Nations, division of Germany, war casualties, democracy v. communism 1 Insufficient Evidence Cody

9 9th Grade World War II Scale, 6 Week Unit
4 3 2 In addition to meeting the learning goal, the student demonstrates in-depth inferences and applications that go beyond the goal. Was World War II preventable? Use specific examples from history to help support your argument. Summarize the causes of World War II. Explain the impact of key battles and turning points in World War II, providing at least two examples. Describe the political, social, and economic effects of World War II. communism, fascism, global depression; Axis and Allied Powers, appeasement methods and strategies of war, Pearl Harbor, Stalingrad, D-Day, Midway, atomic bomb, siege, Island Hopping effects of WWII Treaty of Versailles/ League of Nations, United Nations, division of Germany, war casualties, democracy v. communism Don’t teach to the 2s – elevate each learner to the 3 level – scale can be organized vertically or horizontally but language and order stays the same

10 Meet Terry I scored a 2 on the last unit, showing some knowledge of every concept and the vocabulary but missed every level 3 question on my test. During an oral presentation, I was the only student to connect spending on WW2 to ending the Great Depression. How would you accommodate for Terry? Choose a reader from group -- Nikki

11 What do we know about Terry?
Is Terry an ELL student? Does he have an IEP with a goal relevant to this expectation? What are other considerations that the teacher should make when accommodating for Terry’s learning? -ELL student – provide word bank of terms to use in presentation -- Nikki -If student is not ELL and does not have IEP, we might provide accommodation options for the student to choose… -- Cody

12 Practice Accommodating
Directions: Choose two scenarios as a group. Half of the group will work with each scenario. Read your scenario then decide with your partners: -Who is the learner? -What strengths and needs are they showing? -How would you use the scale to accommodate for their learning? 3. Share your knowledge with the rest of your table group. Cody

13 Exit Slip 1. Look back at your SRG Session Scale. 2. Reflect on your growth and learning through this session. 3. Underline where you would rate yourself currently on exceptional learners and SRG. Nikki

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