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CNC Orientation Forum May 2013

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2 CNC Orientation Forum May 2013
Faster Cancer Treatment (FCT) - Improving quality of care across the patient cancer pathway CNC Orientation Forum May 2013

3 FCT - Indicators Referred urgently with high suspicion of cancer receive first cancer treatment within 62 days Referred urgently with high suspicion of cancer have first specialist assessment within 14 days Confirmed diagnosis of cancer receive first cancer treatment within 31 days of decision-to-treat

4 Current focus areas: FCT Programme Regional Implementation Plans
National Tumour Streams MDM development Care Coordination

5 Regional FCT Implementation Plan
Review of existing IT systems / processes identified: Difficult to connect events across the tumour stream pathway especially when these pathways span different DHBs and different services within DHBs No single episode ID to support active patient management or data reporting No consistent method to add a High Suspicion of Cancer flag to enable prospective patient management The following staged process is planned for the collection and reporting of the FCT indicators for the region:

6 Regional FCT Implementation Plan
Review of existing IT systems / processes identified: Variations in interpretation of some data elements will occur if business rules aren’t agreed across the region (?nationally) Capture of these data elements currently is a combination of PAS and paper based due to variability in systems across the region Most PAS systems in the region are coming to the end of their life therefore IT based solutions are not feasible in the short term. The following staged process is planned for the collection and reporting of the FCT indicators for the region:

7 Regional FCT Implementation Plan
Period Expected Processes July 2012 to Dec 2012 DHB of Domicile compile FCT indicators based on information provided by the various treating DHBs Mid Term Regional consolidation with an emphasis on automating processes where it is viable Longer Term (2015+) CRISP enabled information management, national reporting framework supported by national datasets and business rules The following staged process is planned for the collection and reporting of the FCT indicators for the region:

8 Regional FCT Implementation Plan
Data related activity: Reporting Framework CRISP design phase Suspected Cancer flags Data consolidation process External data eg Hospice Currently in testing/development phase, first report due Qtr3

9 Regional FCT Implementation Plan
Planned Resources: 1.0FTE Regional Project Manager (CCN) 0.3FTE Regional data analyst (TAS) 1.0FTE FCT Tracker and 0.4FTE Clinical Advisor in each of MDHB and CCDHB (major treatment centres) Funding for the regional data consolidation process / tool MOH confirmed funding - $335K for one year DHB Execs approved plan Positions being filled

10 FCT Components for CRISP




14 National Tumour Streams
Regional cancer networks contracted to host the following national tumour streams: NCN– Sarcoma, Upper Gastrointestinal, Melanoma, Head and Neck MCN – Breast, and continue with Lung CCN – Haematological SCN – Bowel, Gynaecological Development tumour care standards and pathways by June 2013 Urological cancer tumour standards will be developed following Prostate Cancer Task Force recommendations to Government late this year.

15 MDM Development Funding advice identified $2 million nationally for MDMs - $455K CCN region Next phase of activity: Implement the national Guidance for Implementing Quality MDMs Transition to a video-conference environment Transition to regional electronic MDM proforma to allow: data collection as enabled by CRISP collection and reporting MDM data to provide baseline access statistics Implement appropriate MDM coordination functions Develop a regional funding model Draft project plan going to: Regional Clinical Teams Forum GMs / COOs for sign-off

16 MDM Development Videoconferencing suites – install completion due end of Nov Draft project plan going to: Regional Clinical Teams Forum GMs / COOs for sign-off

17 Care Coordination

18 Care Coordination CCN working with DHB Cancer Managers / DONs:
Position descriptions Recruitment Orientation Networking Communications Workforce development Evaluation

19 Programme Governance Regional FCT Steering Group:
Representation from relevant DHB executives, CRISP, DHB managers, clinicians and consumers Determine what needs to be done from a regional perspective, monitoring DHB FCT Implementation Steering Groups: Representation similar to above but at a local level Determine how things get done from a district perspective,

20 Programme Governance FCT Data: MDM CNCI Regional FCT Data Group
FCT Trackers and Clinical Advisors Group MDM Upper Regional MDM Steering Groups (TDHB, WhaDHB, MDHB, HBDHB) Lower Regional MDM Steering Group (C&CDHB, HVDHB, WaiDHB) CNCI CNC Group DHB Cancer Managers and DONs Steering Group ?Expert Advisory Group

21 2014/15 Focus CRISP design to support FCT reporting and patient tracking MDM – report access, move to BAU CNCI– support implementation and evaluation Tumour standards – audit pathways

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