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Khartoum Winter School of Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics is conducted since 2003.

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2 Khartoum Winter School of Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics is conducted since 2003.
It was established by department of molecular biology – IEND. We conducted up to date 13 courses


4 The annual intake is students from different academic and non academic organizations from Sudan and Africa including Eretria, Kenya, Syria , Morocco, Ethiopia and Cameroon. Insert map here

5 The school brings together facilitators and participants in a friendly environment to go through a learning process of the basics of Bioinformatics and statistical genetics

6 The facilitators and participants discuss approaches, means and domains of integrating disciplines for the study of target diseases and model organisms.

7 Two branches are taught
Bioinformatics Statistical Genetics

8 Bioinformatics The courses introduce participants to the technical aspects of bioinformatics software and the development of bioinformatics software/approaches is included. Only basic computer science knowledge is required for this course.

9 What is bioinformatics
Bioinformatics Course Structure: The course comprise a combination of lecture and hands-on tutorial- like sessions. The following topics are taught What is bioinformatics Bioinformatics standards, programming, and open source developments Internet/www in bioinformatics Biological databases and data models Sequence alignment pairwise, multiple aligment, searching BLAST, using clustalW and Bioedit programe Primer design Restriction mapping Phylogenetic analysis Structural Bioinformatics Current topics in bioinformatics and future directions

10 Statistical genetics This course is mainly focused on strategies for genetic mapping of human disease genes. The course is for researchers with little or no experience in using statistical genetic analysis programs. The goal of the course is to teach the participants both theory and application of methods for linkage disequilibrium and association studies analysis

11 Course structure: Aspects of Data collection Creation of pedigree files Introduction to Biostatistics Calculation of Alleles and Genotype frequencies Association analysis using TDT Linkage disequilibrium analysis Haploview program Structure Arlequin

12 Facilitators David Judge. Cambridge University. UK
Gebrenegus Ghilagaber Yebio - Stockholms universitet Bashir Salim U of K Institute of Endemic Diseases . U of K Muntaser Ibrahim Eltahir Awad Gasim Sahar Bakhiet Mohammed Omar Ehab almoubarak Maha Osman

13 Staff at electronic Library. Faculty of Pharmacy
Organizer Muntasir Ibrahim Sahar Bakhiet Co organizaer Nanci Abdelrahman Maha Khalifa Rania Elsir Mohamed Omar Sara Ibrahim Abda Alfatih Ibtisam Rayan abualgasim Khadiga alhibir Ishraga Tawasol Staff at electronic Library. Faculty of Pharmacy

14 Thank you

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