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Wednesday 30th September 2015

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1 Wednesday 30th September 2015
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 SATs’ Meeting 2016 SS. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary School We show our love for God in the way we treat each other. Together we follow Jesus by learning and sharing our gifts. Wednesday 30th September 2015

2 SATs 2016 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 + Reading (1 hour) + Maths (including written arithmetic) + Arithmetic (30 mins) + Fluency, problem solving & reasoning (2x 40 mins) + Grammar, punctuation and spelling (SPAG). + Paper (45 mins) + Spelling (15 mins approx) + Final Writing judgement will be through teacher assessment only.

3 Test Dates SATs will take place on the week of May 9th 2016
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Test Dates SATs will take place on the week of May 9th 2016 The papers are usually divided over four days. There are no longer Level 6 papers, instead the new style papers will work to a point where that degree of difficulty is being tested.

4 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 English

5 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Reading Reading Test lasts 1 hour.

6 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Question Types There will be a selection of question types, including: Ranking/ordering, e.g. ‘Number the events below to show the order in which they happen in the story’ Labelling, e.g. ‘Label the text to show the title of the story’ Find and copy, e.g. ‘Find and copy one word that suggests what the weather is like in the story’ Short constructed response, e.g. ‘What does the bear eat?’ Open-ended response, e.g. ‘Look at the sentence that begins Once upon a time. How does the writer increase the tension throughout this paragraph? Explain fully, referring to the text in your answer.’

7 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Paper Example

8 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Paper Example

9 How to help Your child should be reading a wide range of texts.
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 How to help Your child should be reading a wide range of texts. Practise skimming and scanning using newspapers, TV guides. Get children to predict what will happen next and explain their answers. When reading use clues in the text to find answers. Inference and deduction.

10 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Writing Children will NOT sit a formal writing assessment paper during SATs’ week. To meet the targets required, teachers will assess based on a wide variety of writing produced over a period of time.

11 Grammar, punctuation and spelling test (SPAG)
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Grammar, punctuation and spelling test (SPAG) In this test, children will be expected to answer multiple choice questions to make sentences make sense. Children will be expected to know how to use a variety of punctuation marks correctly. They will also need to be very familiar with the different parts of a sentence, e.g. verb, preposition, article, adverb etc.

12 Example Question Complete the sentences below using either I or me.
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Example Question Complete the sentences below using either I or me. I wanted my mum to watch ____ in the school play. After we went cycling, Emma and ____ were very tired. The teacher asked Tim and ____ to collect the books.

13 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Example Question Insert the missing inverted commas in the sentence below. Following the Battle of Hastings, said the historian, William the Conqueror became King of England.

14 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Put a tick in each row to show whether the underlined part of the sentence is a phrase or a clause. Phrase Clause We went outside so we could enjoy the sunshine. The sun shone in the bright blue sky. The beautiful rainbow lasted for hours. We had fun running around the garden.

15 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Maths 70 – 7 = 7n 15

16 Maths Arithmetic Paper (30 mins) Paper 1 – (40 mins)
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Maths 70 – 7 = 7n Arithmetic Paper (30 mins) Paper 1 – (40 mins) Paper 2 – (40 mins) Children are no longer required to use a calculator for either paper 1 or 2.

17 Arithmetic Paper Replaces the Mental Maths paper in previous years.
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Arithmetic Paper 70 – 7 = 7n Replaces the Mental Maths paper in previous years. It is being dubbed the ‘fixed response’ paper. Children will be expected to use formal methods as they are showing their working. 17

18 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Example 70 – 7 = 7n 18

19 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Example 70 – 7 = 7n

20 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Paper 1 & 2 70 – 7 = 7n Children are provided with all they may need including measuring tools (rulers, protractors etc.), tracing paper and mirrors. For some questions, children need to be able to explain their answers. Marks can be given for correct methods even if the final answer is incorrect so it is important that children attempt all questions.

21 Example The rule for this sequence of numbers is ‘add 3 each time’.
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Example 70 – 7 = 7n The rule for this sequence of numbers is ‘add 3 each time’. The sequence continues in the same way. Mary says, ‘No matter how far you go there will never be a multiple of 3 in the sequence’ . Is she correct? Yes / No Explain how you know. 21

22 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Example 70 – 7 = 7n 22

23 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 When we send work home… 70 – 7 = 7n Encourage your child to practise answering word problems and be able to explain their working. Don’t ignore the importance of accuracy (measuring and drawing). Ensure they are using formal written methods. Continue to practise mental strategies. Quick recall of times tables is vitally important for all areas of Maths.

24 Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Revision 24

25 School Revision Booster Classes in school.
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 School Revision Booster Classes in school. Providing extra support in Maths which involves children moving between classes. Targeted Intervention Classes. Study Books with a recommended timetable. Homework linked to areas of revision.

26 Revision The following ICT programs are useful: BBC Revisewise
Year Six SATs' Meeting 2014 Revision The following ICT programs are useful: BBC Revisewise BBC Science Clips Sumdog Hit the Button Woodlands Junior Coxhoe Durham

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