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Unit 5 Portfolio Management

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1 Unit 5 Portfolio Management
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Course Materials by K.Rajeswari Asst Professor SNS college of technology Unit 5 Portfolio Management

2 What is Portfolio? Portfolio refers to investing in a group of securities rather to investing in a single security. “Don’t Put all your eggs in one basket” Portfolio help in reducing risk without sacrificing return. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

3 Portfolio Management Portfolio Management is the process of creation and maintenance of investment portfolio. Portfolio management is a complex process which tries to make investment activity more rewarding and less risky. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

4 Major tasks involved with Portfolio Management
Taking decisions about investment mix and policy Matching investments to objectives Asset allocation for individuals and institution Balancing risk against performance 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

5 Phases of Portfolio Management
Portfolio management is a process of many activities that aims at optimizing the investment. Five phases can be identified in the process: Security Analysis. Portfolio Analysis. Portfolio Selection. Portfolio revision. Portfolio evaluation. Each phase is essential and the success of each phase depends upon the efficiency in carrying out each phase. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

6 1. Security Analysis. Security analysis is the initial phase of the portfolio management process. There are many types of securities available in the market including equity shares, preference shares, debentures and bonds. It forms the initial phase of the portfolio management process and involves the evaluation and analysis of risk return features of individual securities. The basic approach for investing in securities is to sell the overpriced securities and purchase the under priced securities. The security analysis comprises of Fundamental Analysis and technical Analysis. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

7 2.Portfolio Analysis A portfolio refers to a group of securities that are kept together as an investment. Investors make investment in various securities to diversify the investment to make it risk averse. A large number of portfolios can be created by using the securities from desired set of securities obtained from initial phase of security analysis. By selecting the different sets of securities and varying the amount of investments in each security, various portfolios are designed. After identifying the range of possible portfolios, the risk-return characteristics are measured and expressed quantitatively. It involves the mathematically calculation of return and risk of each portfolio. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

8 3. Portfolio Selection During this phase, portfolio is selected on the basis of input from previous phase Portfolio Analysis. The main target of the portfolio selection is to build a portfolio that offer highest returns at a given risk. The portfolios that yield good returns at a level of risk are called as efficient portfolios. The set of efficient portfolios is formed and from this set of efficient portfolios, the optimal portfolio is chosen for investment. The optimal portfolio is determined in an objective and disciplined way by using the analytical tools and conceptual framework provided by Markowitz’s portfolio theory. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

9 4. Portfolio Revision After selecting the optimal portfolio, investor is required to monitor it constantly to ensure that the portfolio remains optimal with passage of time. Due to dynamic changes in the economy and financial markets, the attractive securities may cease to provide profitable returns. These market changes result in new securities that promises high returns at low risks. In such conditions, investor needs to do portfolio revision by buying new securities and selling the existing securities. As a result of portfolio revision, the mix and proportion of securities in the portfolio changes. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

10 5. Portfolio Evaluation This phase involves the regular analysis and assessment of portfolio performances in terms of risk and returns over a period of time. During this phase, the returns are measured quantitatively along with risk born over a period of time by a portfolio. The performance of the portfolio is compared with the objective norms. Moreover, this procedure assists in identifying the weaknesses in the investment processes. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

11 Portfolio Analysis Portfolio Analysis is the process of reviewing or assessing the elements of the entire portfolio of securities or products in a business. The review is done for careful analysis of risk and return.  Portfolio Analysis conducted at regular intervals helps the investor to make changes in the portfolio allocation and change them according to the changing market and different circumstances. The analysis also helps in proper resource/asset allocation to different elements in the portfolio. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

12 Process In order to perform a business portfolio analysis Gadgets and More Gadgets needs to first identify all of the contents of the business. This includes all products, services, and holdings from all of the departments within the company. Next, Gadgets and More Gadgets will take a look at how well they're performing. This is where they look at how well they're competing with others in the industry, as well as how their sales are doing. This step is essential to identifying where Gadgets and More Gadgets is excelling, and where they may be performing poorly. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

13 Cont… Projections and suggestions follows in the next step. Knowing where a company is performing poorly allows the company to project what they'll need to do to either improve in that area, or what they might do in the future if they discontinue the product altogether.  Gadgets and More Gadgets will also be able to recognize where they should invest more money to increase performance, and where they should decrease spending. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

14 Cont… The final step is where Gadgets and More Gadgets takes all of the gathered information and decide how will change the way they run the business. The changes could be made permanently, for a few months, or may for the next business year. 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

15 Thanks… 6/9/2018 V.Prabakaran, AP/MBA - IM - Unit-5 Portfolio Management

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