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Spitfire Overview Gavin McCance.

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1 Spitfire Overview Gavin McCance

2 Outline Review of 1.something What’s different in 2.1?
Spitfire Components Status

3 What is it? Lets you use remote relational database (RDBMS) Over WAN
Uses Grid certificates for authentication Cool authorization (configurable roles)

4 What was there before? Release 1.something
Based on the XSQL servlet from Oracle Defined a server-side template SQL instruction whose blanks were filled in by the parameter’s from the client’s HTTP request. SELECT LFN FROM REPCAT WHERE

5 What was there before? This filled-in template was executed on the back-end database (e.g. MySQL) and the resultset returned to the client in some suitable format. Either plain XML Or piped through a XSL transform to turn it into a nice webpage first.

6 What happened in-between?
All the cool security bits factored out Authentication  Trustmanager Authorization  AuthorizationManager Jwget  HTTPClient Repackaging. Immense Spitfire ‘bundle’ unravelled; we don’t ship Java with it now…

7 New in version 2.something
Current release is 2.1.0 Went down web-services road Client API defined for a Remote Procedure Call web service Based on the major SQL operations that you’d like to run against a relational database plus some others for accessing the database meta-data

8 Three APIs defined SpitfireBase (~DML stuff)
Insert, Update, Delete, Select SpitfireAdmin (~DDL stuff) Create, Drop, Modify(alter) SpitfireInfo (basic meta-data) ShowTables, Show ColumnTypes

9 Web Service Implementation
Same as replica web services Apache Axis Running inside Tomcat Exposing the API in a standard WSDL format Client API libraries auto-generated from the WSDL Java JAR and gSOAP C++ static library

10 Components (available as RPMs)
The previous version (XSQL) retained as edg-spitfire-browser Web services version packaged as edg-spitfire-server Common configuration of browser + server for EDG environment edg-spitfire-config Clients packaged as edg-spitfire-client-java and edg-spitfire-client-c++

11 edg-spitfire-server + client
RDBMS Axis RPCHandler Spitfire Server Trustmanager WAN SOAPHandler Authorization Manager Spitfire Axis Client App Servlet engine

12 edg-spitfire-browser
RDBMS XSQL Servlet Trustmanager WAN AuthzServlet Authorization Manager Web Browser Servlet engine

13 Status v2.1.0 of server + java client made available end of January
v2.1.0 of browser available very soon v2.1.0 of C++ client available very soon Documentation is still a bit rough…

14 In CVS ‘edg-spitfire-server’ ‘edg-spitfire-client’
‘ant release’ will build ‘edg-spitfire-server’ RPM + tarball ‘edg-spitfire-config’ RPM + tarball ‘edg-spitfire-java-client’ RPM + tarball ‘edg-spitfire-client’ ‘edg-spitfire-client-c++’ RPM + tarball Any others we might like

15 In CVS ‘edg-spitfire-browser’
‘ant release’ will build ‘edg-spitfire-browser’ RPM + tarball ‘spitfire’ and ‘edg-spitfire-interface’ are dead modules

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