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WARMUP 10/10 How far would you travel moving at 12 m/min for 3.00 minutes? a. 36.0 m c. 40.0 m b. 2160 m d. 36.0 miles.

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Presentation on theme: "WARMUP 10/10 How far would you travel moving at 12 m/min for 3.00 minutes? a. 36.0 m c. 40.0 m b. 2160 m d. 36.0 miles."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARMUP 10/10 How far would you travel moving at 12 m/min for 3.00 minutes? a m c m b m d miles

2 Motion and Forces TEKS 8.6B


4 Force A push or pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change direction A force will cause an object with mass to accelerate.

5 Forces can affect motion in several ways:
They can make objects start moving. They can make objects move faster. They can make objects move slower. They can make objects stop moving. They can make objects change direction.

6 Distance Distance is the measurement from one point to another.
1 mm Distance is the measurement from one point to another. Distance may refer to a physical length, a period of time, or an estimation. = 50 m

7 Speed Speed is a measure of the distance an object moves in a given amount of time. Units of speed could be: km/h, mph, ft/s Generally, we use units of m/s for speed (meters per second) s d t

8 Velocity Velocity is an object’s speed in a particular direction.
If the direction changes, the velocity will also change. Speed vs. Velocity: speed = 5 m/s velocity = 5 m/s East 600 km/hr Northeast DIRECTION

9 v=? d= 4800km t= 6hr v= d/t v= 4800/6 v= 800 km/hr East EXAMPLE
The distance from LA to NY is about 4800km. If a commercial jet makes the trip non-stop in 6 hours, what was its average velocity? v=? d= 4800km t= 6hr v d t from LA to NY v= d/t v= 4800/6 v= 800 km/hr East Plus DIRECTION

What is the difference between speed and velocity? ANSWER: Speed is just distance/time. Velocity includes direction as well. Speed is just distance/time. Velocity includes direction as well. 10

11 Acceleration

12 Types of acceleration Increasing speed Decreasing speed
Example: Car speeds up at green light Decreasing speed Example: Car slows down at stop light Changing Direction Example: Car takes turn (can be at constant speed) screeeeech

13 Speed and acceleration
Speed and acceleration are NOT the same thing. Acceleration is the change in speed divided by the change in time.

14 **When an object is accelerating, this is an indication that there are forces acting on the object that are unbalanced**

15 Acceleration & Deceleration
Acceleration is an increase in speed. (Ex: +1.5m/s2) Deceleration is a decrease in speed. (Ex: -1.5 m/s2)



18 Acceleration: FACTS For its velocity to change, an object must accelerate. An object accelerates whenever its speed or direction or both change Acceleration may be positive (increasing speed) or negative (decreasing speed). Acceleration is a measure of how quickly the velocity (speed & direction) changes: a = Dv/t

19 Acceleration at constant speed
An object moving in a circle at constant speed is always accelerating because…it is changing direction

20 Glue in differentiation foldable

21 Motion Concept Map Rate of motion Rate at which velocity changes
Speed and direction of a moving object Distance/time m/s m/s2 Requires direction for motion No direction required for motion Compares final and initial velocities

22 Must be Halloween themed!
Create your own Quiz 5 questions total Must be Halloween themed! 1. Speed 2. Distance 3. Time 4. Velocity 5. Acceleration

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