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Forecasts for waste and radioactive material storage

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2 Forecasts for waste and radioactive material storage
A. Funken, L. Kobzeva With inputs from J. Vollaire, L. Ulrici, M. Picard from HSE-RP LIU-PS Coordination Meeting, 14/06/2016

3 Safety File contents for the waste
Two aspects shall be addressed in the Safety File: The waste produced during the life-cycle (installation/upgrade, commissioning, maintenance and operation). The dismantling of the facility and disposal of the components of the machine at the end of life time. For conventional, chemical and radioactive waste.

4 Safety File contents: conventional & chemical waste
According to the LSAs, the project shall establish the inventory of conventional waste and chemical waste (i.e. estimation of annual quantity of waste produced, per category). The estimate shall be done by category and total mass or volume, detailing to which phase of the life cycle of the project it corresponds. Category of conventional waste: Category of chemical waste: SMB-SC-LS is responsible for the collection, disposal, transport, selection and elimination of conventional waste. They ensure: Regular collection for small quantities, Collection on request (to be paid by the requestor) for large quantities or certain category of waste.

5 Forecasts for conventional chemical waste for LIU-PS
Are there any conventional/chemical waste for the LIU-PS ? If so, please fill in the Excel file attached to the presentation: And send back the inputs to A. Funken and L. Kobzeva

6 Safety File contents: radioactive waste
“Disposal of radioactive material Any radioactive equipment for which no future use is identified must be considered as a radioactive waste and must be transferred to the radioactive waste treatment centre. In order to arrange for proper storage and facilitate the elimination of the waste, the equipment responsible for the project must inform the HSE-RP group as early as possible and provide to the best of his/her knowledge information on the waste generated. The required specifications are the type of item, the quantity, the type of material (chemical composition), geometrical information (dimension, mass, volume) the radiological information (history of irradiation, cooling time when applicable, etc.).” (extract from the global LIU LSA, EDMS , 2012) To be reminded that for radioactive waste, the following HSE-RP procedure shall be followed: « CERN’s Internal Acceptance Criteria for Radioactive Waste », EDMS

7 Forecasts for radioactive waste and material storage
The aim is to allow HSE-RP to assess the level of radioactivity and classify the material and waste at an early stage for proper storage/elimination (to be defined and documented in the RP part of the safety file). HSE-RP presented to the LS2 day in September 2015 the forecast for radioactive material and waste production during LS2. HSE-RP mentioned that regular updates are required to allow the timely provision of storage space. The forecasts for radioactive waste and material storage done in 2015 were collected by the RSOs, then compiled by HSE-RP for the radioactive waste and SMB-SC for the material storage. They cover all machines and activities, not only LIU. Are all LIU forecasts included? If not, please sent the updates (see next slide): For radioactive waste to HSE-RP (M. Picard and J. Vollaire) and your RSO. For radioactive material storage to your RSO.

8 Forecasts for radioactive waste for LIU-PS
Are there any new foreseen radioactive waste for the LIU-PS (not in the current inventory) ? If so, please fill in the Excel file “Template inventory” (sheet radioactive waste) attached to the presentation to update the current inventory:

9 Forecasts for radioactive material storage for LIU-PS
Are there any new foreseen radioactive material to be stored for the LIU-PS (not in the current inventory) ? If so, please fill in the Excel file “Template inventory” (sheet radioactive material) attached to the presentation to update the current inventory:


11 People who have contributed so-far to the radioactive waste inventory
Groups contacted Contact person ALICE Klaus Barth ATLAS Giancarlo Spigo BE-BI Jens Spanggaard BE-CO Julien Palluel BE-RF Gino Cipolla BE-ABP Richard Scrivens CMS Stéfane Bally DGS-RP Marion Picard EN-CV-DC Stéphane Berry EN-CV EN-EL Antonio Gonzalez Puertas EN-HE Helder Velez Lourenco EN-MEF Ans Pardons EN-MME Jean-Michel Dalin EN-STI Sven de Man EN-STI Isolde Camille Lemesre GS-ASE Michael Dole GS-FB Davide Pagnani LHCb Gloria Corti PH Federico Ravotti TE-ABT Wim Weterings TE-CRG Juan Casas Cubillos TE-EPC Vincent Barbet TE-MPE Michael Jonker TE-MSC-MNC Roberto Lopez TE-MSC-SC Sandrine Le Naour TE-VSC Germana Riddone 27

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