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Adam, A Type Of Christ Adaml, A Type of Christ August 17 & 24, 2008

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1 Adam, A Type Of Christ Adaml, A Type of Christ August 17 & 24, 2008
Type antitype lesson-(Christ)

2 Introduction “A type is some person, thing or event in the O.T. age which foreshadowed some person, thing, or event in the N.T. age.”

3 Introduction “There is not more profitable or interesting study within God’s Word than the type, figures and shadows presented in the O.T. that find their reflection in the N.T. to give them full meaning and importance.” D. Thurman

4 Introduction Rom. 5:14 1 Cor. 15:45-47

5 1. Both Came From God Adam Formed full grown Gen. 1:27 Gen. 2:7 Christ
Jesus an exception-he had no earthly father Is. 7:14 Mt. 1:23 Jn. 3:16

6 2. Both Became The Head Of A Family
Adam The earthly, fleshy head of a physical family Gen. 1:28 Christ Head of a spiritual family Eph. 1:22-23 Col. 1:18 Eph. 3:14-15

7 3. Both Were To Reflect God Unto The World
Adam Gen. 1:2,26-27 Adam sinned Christ Jn. 1:14 Jn. 14:9 Col. 1:15 Christ reflected the Father perfectly

8 4. Both Were Given Lordship And Dominion
Adam Gen. 1:28 Dominion over ever living thing on land and sea Ps. 8:5 Christ Jesus has power & authority over all things Mt. 28:18 Jn. 3:35 Phil. 2:9-11

9 5. Both Received Brides In A Similar Way
Christ Jn. 19:34 Christ’s side was pierced--His blood the price of the church Acts 20:28 Eph. 5:23-25 Adam Gen 2:18 ff Eve taken from the side of Adam-the rib taken was the price of the bride

10 6. Both Loved Their Brides
Adam Adam loved Eve Gen. 2:23 Col. 3:19 Christ Christ loves the church Eph. 5:25

11 7. Both Brides Wore The Names Of Their Husbands
Adam Gen. 5:1-2 Both were called “Adam” Christ Rom. 16:16 Acts 11:26 1 Pet. 4:16 The church-the bride of Christ-wears His name

12 8. Both Were Head Over Their Brides
Adam 1 Tim. 2:12-13 Head over Eve Christ Eph. 5:23 Eph. 1:22-23 Col. 1:18 Christ is head over the church

13 9. A Contrast Of Life And Death
Christ Through Jesus Christ we may enter into eternal life Rom. 8:2 1 Cor. 15:20-22 Adam Adam’s sin brought death Rom. 5:12 The tragic result of sin can be overcome in the Lord Jesus Christ

14 10. A Contrast In Sin And Salvation
Adam Through Adam sin came into the world Rom. 5:12 Christ Through Christ salvation comes into the world Mt. 1:21 Acts 4:12 Lk. 19:10

15 Conclusion We regain in Christ (and in the church) what was lost in Adam (and the garden of Eden) Close relationship with God “Friendship” is restored

16 Conclusion Reconciliation occurs In Christ we have life-spiritual life
Adaml, A Type of Christ August 17 & 24, 2008 Conclusion Reconciliation occurs In Christ we have life-spiritual life “Truly, paradise lost becomes paradise regained; but only through the grace of God!” Type antitype lesson-(Christ)

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