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Presentation on theme: "MINING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Lambrick Career Centre"— Presentation transcript:

1 MINING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Lambrick Career Centre

2 Resources Ms Alexander in the Career Centre
Career Centre- Scholarship Website, Facebook, Twitter Scholarship Handbook



5 Understanding Scholarship Terminology
An award is any scholarship/ fellowship/ bursary/ medal/prize A scholarship is a monetary award based on academic merit or excellence An entrance scholarship is one that is available to students who are proceeding from Grade 12 to studies at post-secondary institutions A bursary is a non-repayable grant made to students in need of financial assistance and who have maintained satisfactory academic grades

6 Provincial Scholarships
Graduation Program Exam Scholarships $1250 and $2500 Academic achievement on Provincial exams in Grade 10 and 12 * phasing out 2016 * NEW- BC Achievement Scholarships- $1250 Grad program requirements for students with honours standing Passport to Education Stamps based on academic acheivement * phasing out 2015 *NEW- BC Excellence Scholarships- $5000 Commitment and aptitude for a chosen career path Schools forward nominees to province

7 District Scholarships
Dogwood District Awards $500 cheque and $500 scholarship voucher Rewards for superior achievement in a chosen non-academic field: Business Ed Food and Textiles PE Community Service Creative Writing Performance Arts – drama, music and dance Visual Arts- media arts Second Language Technical and Trades CRITERIA Personal profile 2 letters of reference Resume Transcript portfolio

8 Lambrick Park Scholarships
LAMPAC- $1000 Recognizes academic achievement, citizenship and community service Gordon Head Lions Club- $1000 Recognizes citizenship and community service Thrifty’s Foods Camosun Entrance Scholarship- $500 Lambrick grad with highest Gr 12 GPA enrolled in full-time studies at Camosun Application information is available in the early spring

9 University Entrance Scholarships
UVic offers entrance scholarships, including one-time scholarships ranging from $1,500 to $3,500 and renewable scholarships of up to $26,000 payable over four years.   To be considered for entrance scholarships based on specific criteria students must complete the online entrance scholarship application between February 1 - May 1 Renewable scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the University of Victoria. These scholarships are automatically renewed each year if the student meets the requirements. A average

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