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For the Nordic-Baltic PCI Study Group

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1 For the Nordic-Baltic PCI Study Group
Nordic-Baltic Bifurcation Study III Randomized Comparison of Final Kissing Balloon Dilatation vs. no Final Kissing Balloon Dilatation in Patients with Coronary Bifurcation Lesions Treated With Main Vessel stenting Matti Niemela, Kari Kervinen, Andrejs Erglis,Niels R. Holm, Michael Maeng, Evald H Christiansen, Indulis Kumsars, Sandra Jegere, Andis Dombrovskis, Pål Gunnes, Sindre Stavnes,TerjeS teigen,Thor Trovik, Saila Vikman,Markku Eskola, Hannu Romppanen,Timo Makikallio, Knud N Hansen, Per Thayssen, Lars Åberge,Lisette Jensen, Anders Hervold, J Airaksinen, Mikko Pietila, Ole Frobert, Thomas Kellerth, Jan Ravkilde,Jens Aarøe,Steffen Helqvist, Iwar Sjögren, Stefan James,Heikki Miettinen, Jens F Lassen, Leif Thuesen For the Nordic-Baltic PCI Study Group Andis Dombrovskis. 1

2 Nordic-Baltic Bifurcation Study III Participating Centers
Denmark AarhusUniversityHospital Odense UniversityHospital AalborgUniversityHospital RigshospitaletCopenhagen Latvia Paul StradinsHospital, Riga Sweden Örebro Hospital Uppsala UniversityHospital Falun Hospital Finland Oulu UniversityHospital Tampere UniversityHospital Turku UniversityHospital Kajaani Central Hospital Rovaniemi Central Hospital Kemi Central Hospital Kuopio UniversityHospital Norway FeiringHeartClinic Tromsø University Hospital Rikshopsitalet

3 Background The provisional SB stenting strategy has emerged the preferred bifurcation treatment strategy Whether routine Final Kissing Balloon Dilatation (FKBD) after MV stenting improves clinical and angiographic outcome is less well known 3

4 Purpose of the NORDIC III study
In a randomized multicenter setting in coronary bifurcations treated with MV stenting using SES to compare No FKBD FKBD To assess the effect of these strategies to patient outcomes and angiographic results

5 Stratification at randomization
Estimate of eligible patients (n= 2385) Randomized patients (n= 477) No FKBD (n= 239) FKBD (n= 238) 6 month clinical FU (n= 239, 100%) 6 month clinical FU (n= 238, 100%) Stratification at randomization Scheduled angiographic FU after 8 months (n= 189) Scheduled angiographic FU after 8 months (n=185) Angiographic FU available (n= 162, 86%) Angiographic FU available (n=164, 88%)

6 Inclusion criteria Indication Lesion location Vesselsize
Stable angina pectoris Unstable angina pectoris Silent ischaemia Lesion location LAD/diagonal CX/obtuse marginal RCA PDA/postero-lateral branch LM/LAD/CX Vesselsize main vessel diameter ≥ 2.50mm side branch diameter ≥ 2.25 mm

7 Exclusion criteria ST-segment elevation MI within 24 hours
Expected survival< 1 year S-creatinine> 200 µmol/L Allergy to aspirin, clopidogrel, or to sirolimus

8 The main treatment principles
Wiring of both MV and SB Predilatation of MV/SB at discretion of the operator Stenting MV, jailing SB wire If TIMI flow 3 in MV and SB → Randomization No-FKBD group: procedure terminated FKBD group: 4. rewiring of jailed SB 5. FKBD - if SB TIMI flow<3 → SB stenting

9 Baseline demographics
No FKBD FKBD p value n=239 n=238 Kissing +kiss P value n=238 - Age, mean+SD ns Male (%) ns Diabetes (%) ns Smoking (%) ns Hypertension (%) ns Statin Tx (%) ns Family history (%) ns History of PCI (%) ns History of CABG (%) ns

10 Coronary angiography Visual assessment
No FKBD FKBD p value Crush Culotte P-value (n=210) (n=215) MV lesion length (mm) ns MV stent length (mm) ns SB lesion length (mm) ns Prx. MV ref. diam. (mm) ns Dis. MV ref. diam. (mm) ns SB ref. diam. (mm) ns n=239 n=238

11 Reference diameter before procedure on QCA
mm ns ns ns

12 Procedure data No FKBD FKBD p-value n=210 n=210 n=239 n=238 Culotte
Crush Culotte P-value (n=210) (n=215) SB predilatation, (%) Final Kissing (%) SB dilatation thr. MV stent or FKBD SB stented, n (%) 0(0) (1.3) Tr. successful*, n (%) ( 98,7) (99.2) ns Procedure time (min) Fluorosc. time (min) Contrast (ml) *residual stenosis <30% of MV+TIMI III flow in SB

13 Primary composite end point of
MACE (cardiac death, index lesion MI, TLR, stent thrombosis) after 6 months % 2.5 2.1 ns This is the Bulleted List slide. To create this particular slide, click the NEW SLIDE button on your toolbar and choose the BULLETED LIST format. (Top row, second from left) The Sub-Heading and footnote will not appear when you insert a new slide. If you need either one, copy and paste it from the sample slide. If you choose not to use a Sub-Heading, let us know when you hand in your presentation for clean-up and we’ll adjust where the bullets begin on your master page. Also, be sure to insert the presentation title onto the BULLETED LIST MASTER as follows: Choose View / Master / Slide Master from your menu. Select the text at the bottom of the slide and type in a short version of your presentation title. Click the SLIDE VIEW button in the lower left hand part of your screen to return to the slide show. (Small white rectangle) FKBD No - FKBD 13 13

14 CCS angina class > 2 before treatment
and at 6-month follow up ns

15 Quantitative Coronary Analysis (QCA) at 8 month after PCI procedure

16 Quantitative Coronary Analysis (QCA)
At 8 months Joint angiographic core lab: - Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Denmark - Paul Stradins Clinical Hospital, Riga, Latvia Analysed by computer-based software dedicated to bifurcation analysis (QAngio XA version 7.2, Medis, Leiden, The Netherlands)

17 Lesion characteristics
The patient demographics showed no significant differences between the treatment groups Lesion characteristics FKBD (n=164) No-FKBD (n=162) p LAD/diagonal (%) 76.1 66.3 0.033 CX/obtuse marginal (%) 11.0 19.8 0.021 RCA PDA/PLA (%) 3.1 5.3 ns LM (%) 9.8 8.6 ”True” bifurcation (%) 53.5 46.5 1-VD (%) 50.9 43.6 2-VD (%) 36.8 38.7 3-VD (%) 17.8 0.057

18 Procedure data No FKBD FKBD p-value SB predilated (%) 31.3 35 ns
Culotte P value No FKBD FKBD p-value Crush Culotte P-value (n=210) (n=215) SB predilated (%) ns FKBD (%) SB stented (%) ns Tr. successful* (%) ns n=210 n=210 n=162 n=164 *residual stenosis <30% of MV+TIMI III flow in SB

19 (Re)stenosis at 8-months QCA: Entire bifurcation lesion
% p=0.11 17.3% 11.0% Binary Restenosis: ≥50% diameter stenosis at follow-up

20 Restenosis: In-Segment Main Vessel
% P=0.68 3.1% 2.5% Binary Restenosis: ≥50% diameter stenosis at follow-up

21 Binary Restenosis: ≥50% diameter stenosis at follow-up
(Re)stenosis: Ostial Side Branch % p=0.039 15.4% 7.9% Binary Restenosis: ≥50% diameter stenosis at follow-up

22 Late Lumen Loss mm p=0.42 p=0.23 p=0.34 P=0.42 P=0.23 P=0.52

23 True Bifurcation Subgroup Analysis

24 True bifurcation subgroup at 8 month angio FU
Medina classification 1,1,1 - 1,0,1 - 0,1,1 No FKBD FKBD p value In-segment MV ≥50% DS, n (%) (2.2) (3.8) ns SB ≥50% DS, n (%) (20) 7 (7.6) n=80 (46.5%) n=92 (53.5%)

25 True bifurcation subgroup MACE and TLR at 6 month clinical FU
% P=0.68 2.5% P=0.62 1.7% 1.7% (n=121) (n=118) 0.8%

26 Conclusion In coronary bifurcation lesions MV stenting with and without FKBD was associated with similar 6-month clinical outcome The simple no-FKBD strategy was associated to shorter procedure and fluoroscopy time and reduced use of contrast media FKBD reduced angiographic SB (re)stenosis especially in patients with true bifurcation lesion, which was not, however, translated into the clinical outcome

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