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MFA CAD, PAOD Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "MFA CAD, PAOD Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 MFA CAD, PAOD Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

2 Case presentation 62 RFC, male
Risk factors- arterial hypertension II st., Hyperlipidemia CoAD-1VD-85% stenosis LAD POAD II st.- Intermittent claudication for both legs, mostly in the right one, when walking m. AFS-utr with high-gade stenoses A.tib. ant. Sin-trombosis Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

3 Echo Doppler: Carotid arteries: -LICA-50% stenosis -RICA-30% stenosis
AFS-utr with high-gade stenoses A.tib. ant. Sin-trombosis Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

4 Coronarography and Peripheral arteriography:
LAD-70%; LCx-ostial plaque and 60% distal stenosis LICA-80% stenosis; RICA-thrombosis aa.Iliacae utr-stenoses AFS utr thromboses Doppler Sonography: A.tib ant dex-130mmHg ABI dex-0.8 A.tib post dex-130mmHg ABI sin-0,8 A. tib ant sin -130 mmHg A.tib post sin-120mmHg A.brachialis 160mmHg Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

5 AFSdex Stenosis in the middle sement
Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

6 AFS dex Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

7 AFS sin Stenosis in the middle segment
Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

8 AFS sin Middle segment Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011

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