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Tubular LMS stenosis. LCx ostial stenosis

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Presentation on theme: "Tubular LMS stenosis. LCx ostial stenosis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tubular LMS stenosis. LCx ostial stenosis


3 LCx D1 Case 3. RAO10. Tubular LMS stenosis LAD

4 LCx LAD Case 3. RAO 30. Tubnular LMS stenosis and ostial LCx stenosis

5 LAD LCx Case 3. LAO caudal. Tubular LMS stenosis. Ostial LCx stenosis

6 CAse 3. RAO10. Wires in LAD and LCx. POBA LMS into LCx

7 Case 3. RAO 30. POBA in LMS into LAD

8 LAD LCx Case 3. RAO 30. POst LMS/LAD stent. LCx ostial lesion arrowed

9 Case 3. RAO 10. POBA into LCx ostial stenosis

10 LAD LCx Angio post LMS/LAD stent and POBA LCx origin

11 Case 3. LAO caudal. Kissing balloons in LMS/LCx/LAD

12 LAD LCx Case 3. RAO 30. Final result

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