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Situation of potable water in Haiti

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1 Situation of potable water in Haiti
Available information as of March 2004 Health situation room, PAHO/WHO Representation, Haiti

2 Potable water coverage, Haiti
% Situation du secteur AEPA, CWS-OPS/OMS Août 2000

3 Proportion of households with access to potable water services, Haiti
% EBCM: Enquête Budget Consommation des Ménages EMMUS: Enquête Mortalité, Morbidité et Utilisation des Services

4 Access to potable water in the Metropolitan Arean, Port-au-Prince
47% of the population in Port-au-Prince has access to potable water Each public pump covers 500 people Photo: Alex Morel. OPS-Haïti Situation du secteur AEPA, CWS-OPS/OMS Août 2000

5 Access to water in the whole country (% of households)
SOURCE: IHSI/ Enquête budget consommation des ménages

6 Coverage of potable water in secondary cities, Haiti
% Situation du secteur AEPA, CWS-OPS/OMS Août 2000

7 Coverage of basic sewerage, haiti, 1999
Photo: Alex Morel. OPS-Haïti Situation du secteur AEPA, CWS-OPS/OMS Août 2000

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