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Web Content Management System (CMS)

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Presentation on theme: "Web Content Management System (CMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Content Management System (CMS)
As of 10/7/2013 The intent of this presentation is to: Provide an update of the County’s implementation of the web content management system And to demonstrate the work that has been accomplished

2 Project Objectives… 1. Consistent Branding and Features
2. Improve Public’s Experience and Use 3. Efficiency Gains Through Self-Service 4. Timeliness and Quality of Information 5. Civic Participation and Transparency Here’s a reminder of the project’s Objectives.

3 Consistent County Wide Look

4 Consistent Cross Site Connections

5 Consistent Emergency Info

6 Site Wide Collection of Info

7 Variety and Possibilities





12 Project Milestones… Parks Pilot – Deployed March 19
SCERA Pilot – Deployed May 7 Initial Portal – Being deployed; includes initial CAO and BOS web content, initial department landing pages CMS Work Program – Meetings held with 12 departments, agencies or others, with more scheduled. Work portfolio being assessed and formulated. Here are milestones to-date.

13 What is Involved?

14 What Can You Do Now? Review current web content looking for content needing removal or revision Track most frequently asked “How do I’s” and relate them to your service offerings Define the services provided by your organization and the service communities involved Identify other County departments, agencies, outside organizations offering related services Identify staff that will become involved with CMS roles, assess skills and experience, identify work flow

15 Your Web Team Ready to Help

16 Contact Us Contact ISD Web Team;
Contact Steve Ruesel; ; ISD Service Desk; ; ISD Business Representative;

17 Questions Contact: Steve Ruesel

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