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Database of small research watersheds for the territory of former Soviet Union as a source of data for improving hydrological models and their parameterizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Database of small research watersheds for the territory of former Soviet Union as a source of data for improving hydrological models and their parameterizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Database of small research watersheds for the territory of former Soviet Union as a source of data for improving hydrological models and their parameterizations in different geographical conditions Liudmila Lebedeva1,2, Olga Semenova3,4 1Nansen Centre, 14 line V.O., 7; 2State Hydrological Institute, 2 line V.O., 23; 3Gidrotehproekt Ltd, pr. Toreza, 44-2 4St.Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab 7-9 St. Petersburg, Russia

2 Current obstacles in improvement of hydrological models
Extensive calibration of both parameters and model structures Development separated models for specific purposes/basins neglecting a single physical basis of hydrological processes in the world Large uncertainties in PUB and assessment of present and future hydrological response to environmental changes Concentration on one watershed/region Using runoff as the only metrics for model evaluation Application of inappropriate model algorithms – primitive empirical or inadequate “physically-based” One of the widely claimed reasons is lack of data Have we already made use of all “traditional” data sources?

3 Network of 19 research watersheds in former USSR
Each research basin (water-balance station) with area from 4.9 to 1930 km2 conducted wide range of hydrometeorological measurements according to more or less single program from 1940s (the earliest started in 1929). The data are available in hard copies for periods years. Most of them were stopped in late 1980s. Four (in Russia) are still operated. The location of the stations were carefully selected to be representative for surrounding landscapes The network includes stations located in main landscape zones of former USSR The observational materials are accompanied by detailed description of relief, soil, vegetation, climate, geology etc., measuring techniques and supportive maps.

4 Network of 19 research watersheds in former USSR
We are digitizing the observational data, Open access to them (currently there are two stations) and Offer it as a basis for comprehensive evaluation of different hypotheses and model structures

5 Observational program
Element Max No of sites at one station Temporal resolution Runoff 2 – 21 Min - day Overland and subsurface flow Up to 8 day Meteorological observations incl. soil temperature, solar radiation and albedo 1 - 4 Hour - day Precipitation 5 - 84 Min - decade Snow (points and surveys) Up to 49 Day – month Evaporation from the soil Up to 5 Day – decade Evaporation from the snow Up to 2 Hour– decade Evaporation from the water surface Up to 6 Soil moisture at different depths Up to 80 Soil profile description Up to 57 - Soil hydraulic properties Up to 11 Soil freezing and thawing depths Up to 71 Groundwater levels Up to 59 Stream water turbidity and suspended material Up to 16 Decade – month Stream water chemical composition Decade - month

6 Different geographic conditions
5 4 2 Number of stations in different landscape zones

7 Podmoskovnaya station, forest-steppe, temperate continental climate
Location: Oka River basin, 55.71o Lat, 37.18o Long Area: 25.6 km2 Climate: temperate continental Landscape: mixed forest, cropland Soil: podzol Relief: plain, elevation range m Period of operation: 1946-pres. Number of discharge gauges: 7 Mean annual temperature: 2°С Mean annual precipitation: 550 mm

8 Bomnakskaya station, forest, continental climate, discontinuous permafrost
Location: Amur River basin, o Lat, o Long Area: 22 km2 Climate: continental Landscape: larch, pine and birch forest Soil: alluvial, podzol, peaty; permafrost Relief: elevated plain with altitude range from 300 to 500 m Period of operation: Number of discharge gauges: 5 Mean annual temperature: ‑5.1°С Mean annual precipitation: 587 mm

9 Nizhnedevitskaya station, steppe, temperate continental climate
Location: Don River basin, 51.55o Lat, 38.37o Long Area: 103 km2 Climate: temperate continental Landscape: steppe Soil: chernozem Relief: hilly plain with elevation range 120 to 260 m Period of operation: 1948-pres. Number of discharge gauges: 9 Mean annual temperature: 5.7°С Mean annual precipitation: 553 mm

10 Supportive material Discharge gauge at Kolymaskaya station
Meteorological plot at Podmoskovnaya station Measuring of soil evaporation. Weighting of soil sample.

11 Data access Go to our website
“Database” section Click on the station on the map (small waterdrops)  Request dataset Fill the form and send We will answer you as soon as possible Share your results

12 What can you gain from the dataset?
Data to analyze the hydrological processes in different geographic conditions Data to run the model Additional information that enables one to assess parameters a- priori Non-standard observations to evaluate different internal blocks of the hydrological models (soil moisture and temperature, overland and subsurface flow, snow distribution, groundwater levels, etc.) Possibility to compare different modelling approaches

13 Kolyma station as an example of comprehensive model parameterization
Bare rocks Bush tundra Deep active layer Subsurface runoff Shallow active layer, surface runoff Larch forest Riparian vegetation

14 initially developed by Prof. Yury Vinogradov
The Hydrograph model Process-based (explicitly includes all processes) Observable parameters, no calibration (can be obtained apriori) Common input daily data (air temperature and moisture, precipitation) Free of scale problem (from soil column to large basin) initially developed by Prof. Yury Vinogradov

15 Typical soil profiles (the example of the Kolyma River upstreams)

16 Physical ground properties that drive the processes of active layer formation
Moss and lichen Peat Clay with inclusion of rocks Bedrock Density, kg/m3 500 1720 2610 Porosity, % 90 80 55 35 Water holding capacity, % 60 20-40 13 7 Infiltration coefficient, mm/min 10 0.0005 0.05-1 Heat capacity, J/(kg oC) 1930 840 750 Heat conductivity, W/(m oC) 0.8 1.2 1.5 Wilting point, % 8 6-8 4 2-3

17 Soil thaw/freeze processes and runoff formation Type 1 – peaty soils and surface flow
Peaty soil is fully saturated with ice during snow melt. It thaws slowly and surface flow occurs. observed runoff simulated runoff snow water equivalent infiltration into soil surface flow observed soil thaw depth simulated soil thaw depth

18 Soil thaw/freeze processes and runoff formation Type 2 – rocky stratum and subsurface flow
Snowmelt water is re-frozen in soil. Only subsurface flow is formed. liquid water content in soil ice content in soil simulated soil thaw depth observed runoff simulated runoff snow water equivalent

19 We encourage you to test your modelling approaches in challenging conditions of multiple Russian research basins and share results with hydrological community We will do our best to support you.

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